Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director positi on by booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?


Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:


C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£300.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


\n' data-medium-file='https :// 51819.png?fit=300%2C242&ssl=1' data-large-file=' .net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/boardroomlr-e1403708151819.png?fit=695%2C5 63&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-211' src=' 300x242.png?resize=300%2C242&ssl=1' alt='boardroomlr' width='300' height=' 242' data-recalc-dims='1' />Join us on Tuesday\, November 21 2017 to find out how you can bec ome a Non-Executive Director.


'Excellent course giving a clear picture of t he role\, the skills and characteristics required\, the range of NED oppor tunities and the various routes to secure such positions. As a bonus you a lso meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment. '


Mark Lambert \, Non-Executive Director


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NE Ds\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporat e governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It a lso considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsi bilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opport unities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the import ance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and ci rcumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contrib ution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non- executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.


Wh at to expect?

\n \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this cours e will provide you with the knowledge to:

\n \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


\n' data-medium-file=' content/uploads/2013/04/2a7f488.jpg?fit=80%2C80&ssl=1' data-large-file='ht tps:// %2C80&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignleft size-full wp-image-615' src=' resize=80%2C80&ssl=1' alt='2a7f488' width='80' height='80' data-recalc-dim s='1' />The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director an d highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneu r and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive exp erience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Cha rtered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedI n profile here: (


Key D etails
\nDuration: 1 day


Orchard Street Business Centre
\n14 Orchard Street
\nBristol BS1 5EH


£330.00 (ex VAT)


< strong>Payment with Booking Price
\n £300.00 (ex VAT)


Partner  Price*
\n £28 0.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course han dbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learn ing


Attendance certificate provided after the course


*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:< /p>\n



Like this:

< div itemscope itemtype=''>
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Welcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chair s of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, S ocial Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.

Tickets: http://www.excellencia.

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171121T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171121T163000 GEO:+51.453906;-2.599808 LOCATION:Orchard Street Business Centre @ 14 Orchard St\, Bristol BS1 5EH\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Bristol 21 November 2017 URL: ember-2017/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=144 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director positi on by booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?


Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:


C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£300.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


\n' data-medium-file='https :// 51819.png?fit=300%2C242&ssl=1' data-large-file=' .net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/boardroomlr-e1403708151819.png?fit=695%2C5 63&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-211' src=' 300x242.png?resize=300%2C242&ssl=1' alt='boardroomlr' width='300' height=' 242' data-recalc-dims='1' />Join us on Tuesday\, April 24 2018 to find out how you can become a Non-Executive Director.


'Excellent course giving a clear picture of the role\, the skills and characteristics required\, the range of NED opportun ities and the various routes to secure such positions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'


Mark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is ex pected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive boar d role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical sessions on identifyin g NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and per forming due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis o n the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance .


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effec tive contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their se lection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are curr ently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-execut ive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.

\n< p>What to expect?

  • Clarifies how and why no n-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director< /li>\n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarif y the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contri butions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different ty pes of company and situations
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experi ence needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appre ciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewardi ng non-executive directors
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required t o interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n

Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


\n' data-medium-file='' data-larg e-file=' jpg?fit=80%2C80&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignleft size-full wp-image- 615' src=' 7f488.jpg?resize=80%2C80&ssl=1' alt='2a7f488' width='80' height='80' data- recalc-dims='1' />The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered D irector and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, E ntrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-exe cutive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public se ctors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See h is LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Orchard Street Business Centre
\n14 Orchard Street
\nBristol BS1 5EH


£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price
\n £300.00 ( ex VAT)


Partner Price*
\n< strong> £280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning


Attendance c ertificate provided after the course

\n< p>*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:

  • Tier1 members of NEDworks
  • \n
  • Members of the < a style='color: #0000ff\;' title='Find out more about the Non-Exec Hub' hr ef='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Non-Exec Hub
  • \n
  • Tier1 m embers of Executive Transitions
  • \n
  • Members of Boardcircle< /li>\n

\n' data-med ium-file=' 1403709592905.png?fit=300%2C149&ssl=1' data-large-file=' 347&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-2823' src =' 709558124-300x149.png?resize=300%2C149&ssl=1' alt='non-executive director' width='300' height='149' data-recalc-dims='1' />'As an introduction to th e world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and prac tical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this directi on. Money well spent!'\n

John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This o ne-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential k nowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governanc e that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also conside rs up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical s essions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a firs t appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted . There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective cont ribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection a nd reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides pr actical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive d irector
  • \n

Course obje ctives
\nParticipation on this course will provide yo u with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive d irectors can make to the board in different types of company and situation s
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non- executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods fo r finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be interv iewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CD ir FIoD


David Doughty - Chartere
 d DirectorThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:  ( n/daviddoughty)


< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Key Details
\nD uration: 1 day

\n5 Scotland Street
\nBirmingham B1 2RR



£330.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
£300.00 (ex VAT)


N EDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured l earning


NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network< meta itemprop='url' content=' 012/08/nedworks.jpg'>
Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Welcome to NEDworks\ ; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public a nd Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Sch ool and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.

Tickets: xecutive-director/.

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180626T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180626T163000 GEO:+52.482096;-1.902802 LOCATION:Cornwall Buildings @ 45 Newhall St\, Birmingham B3 3QR\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Birmingham 26 June 2018 URL: june-2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position by booking a place on this interactive 1- day course.


\n' data-medium-file=' 905.png?fit=300%2C149&ssl=1' data-large-file=' et/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NED1-e1403709592905.png?fit=695%2C347&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-2823' src='https:// 300x149.png?resize=300%2C149&ssl=1' alt='non-executive director' width='30 0' height='149' data-recalc-dims='1' />'As an introduction to the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insi ght in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this direction. Money well spent!'

John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at W eber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and pre pare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day int eractive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge a bout roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to d ate thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointm ent and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity an d relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumsta nces in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution t o a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those s eeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoin t a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how and why non- executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical gu idance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key t asks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive directors c an make to the board in different types of company and situations
  • \nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods for finding\ , selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors
  • \n
  • U nderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


David Doughty - Chartered Director
 The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive \, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has e xtensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterp rises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant t o multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day

111 Piccadilly
\nManchester M1 2HY



£330.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
£300.00 (ex VAT)


Partner Price*
\n£280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\n Co urse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshment s and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning


*Discounts on Excellencia c ourse fees are available for:


NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Welcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Cha irs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.

Tickets: ses/how-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180717T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180717T163000 GEO:+53.479522;-2.23279 LOCATION:111 Piccadilly @ Manchester M1 2HY\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Manchester 17 July 2018 URL: ester-25-april-2017/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director positi on by booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors ca n strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director
  • \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, pur pose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate method s for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directo rs
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be in terviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£300.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'\n

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors ca n strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director
  • \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, pur pose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate method s for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directo rs
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be in terviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£300.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


\n' data-medium-file='https :// 51819.png?fit=300%2C242&ssl=1' data-large-file=' .net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/boardroomlr-e1403708151819.png?fit=695%2C5 63&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-211' src=' 300x242.png?resize=300%2C242&ssl=1' alt='boardroomlr' width='300' height=' 242' data-recalc-dims='1' />Join us on Tuesday\, November 27 2018 to find out how you can bec ome a Non-Executive Director.


'Excellent course giving a clear picture of t he role\, the skills and characteristics required\, the range of NED oppor tunities and the various routes to secure such positions. As a bonus you a lso meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment. '


Mark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director


The  How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan a nd prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring N EDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strate gy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive b oard role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance a nd the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical sessions on identif ying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasi s on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and releva nce.


This course identifies the vari ous ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an ef fective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are c urrently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-exe cutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practic al guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive direct or
  • \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Cla rify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the con tributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and exp erience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Ap preciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewa rding non-executive directors
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation require d to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive directo r
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CD ir FIoD


\n' data-medium-file='' data-l arge-file=' 88.jpg?fit=80%2C80&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignleft size-full wp-ima ge-615' src=' /2a7f488.jpg?resize=80%2C80&ssl=1' alt='2a7f488' width='80' height='80' da ta-recalc-dims='1' />The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartere d Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\ , Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non- executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisati ons and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. Se e his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Orchard Street Business Centre
\n14 Orchard Street
\nBrist ol BS1 5EH


£330.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price
\n £300.00 (ex VAT)


Partner Price*
\n £280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo s ee course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\ , refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendanc e counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning


Attendance certificate provided after the course


*Discounts on Excellencia cour se fees are available for:


\n' data-med ium-file=' 1403709592905.png?fit=300%2C149&ssl=1' data-large-file=' 347&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-2823' src =' 709558124-300x149.png?resize=300%2C149&ssl=1' alt='non-executive director' width='300' height='149' data-recalc-dims='1' />'As an introduction to th e world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and prac tical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this directi on. Money well spent!'\n

John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This o ne-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential k nowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governanc e that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also conside rs up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical s essions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a firs t appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted . There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective cont ribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection a nd reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides pr actical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive d irector
  • \n

Course obje ctives
\nParticipation on this course will provide yo u with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive d irectors can make to the board in different types of company and situation s
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non- executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods fo r finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be interv iewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CD ir FIoD


David Doughty - Chartere
 d DirectorThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:  ( n/daviddoughty)


< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Key Details
\nD uration: 1 day

\n5 Scotland Street
\nBirmingham B1 2RR



£330.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
£300.00 (ex VAT)


N EDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£280.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured l earning


NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network< meta itemprop='url' content=' 012/08/nedworks.jpg'>
Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
Welcome to NEDworks\ ; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public a nd Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Sch ool and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.

Tickets: xecutive-director/.

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190115T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190115T163000 GEO:+52.482096;-1.902802 LOCATION:Cornwall Buildings @ 45 Newhall St\, Birmingham B3 3QR\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Birmingham 15 January 2019 URL: ngham-15-january-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director positi on by booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors ca n strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director
  • \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, pur pose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate method s for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directo rs
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be in terviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£350.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£320.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 295.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
< div class='snippet-label-img'>Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network< /span>
Welcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chai rs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.< /span>

Tickets: http://www.excellencia

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190212T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190212T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 12 February 2019 URL: n-12-february-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=158 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director positi on by booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.


\n' data-medium-fil e=' =300%2C177&ssl=1' data-large-file=' nt/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?fit=695%2C409&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='al ignright size-medium wp-image-113603' src=' net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NED31-300x177.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1' a lt='' width='300' height='177' srcset=' ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w\, https://i2. &ssl=1 1024w\, ED31.png?resize=200%2C118&ssl=1 200w\, ontent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?resize=600%2C353&ssl=1 600w\, https://i2. sl=1 150w\, 1.png?resize=500%2C294&ssl=1 500w\, ent/uploads/2015/04/NED31.png?w=1500&ssl=1 1500w\, 1390w' sizes='(m ax-width: 300px) 100vw\, 300px' data-recalc-dims='1' />'A well structured and presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attrib utes required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred ba ck to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times already'

Simon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer


The How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


Th is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.


Who shoul d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l ooking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect ?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors ca n strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director
  • \n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, pur pose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate method s for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directo rs
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be in terviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chart ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and pub lic sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organis ations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day


Institute of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED 


\n£350.00 (ex VAT)


Payment with Booking Price


£320.00 (ex VAT)


Partn er Price*
\n £ 295.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nT o see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:


Course R egistration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD h ours of structured learning

\n< div style='-moz-border-radius: 10px\; -khtml-border-radius: 10px\; -webkit -border-radius: 10px\; border-radius: 10px\; padding: 5px\; background-col or: white\; float: left\; display: inline\; width: 76%\; border: 1px solid blue\;'>\n

*Discounts on Excelle ncia course fees are available for:


NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network
< div class='snippet-label-img'>Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director network< /span>
Welcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chai rs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.< /span>

Tickets: http://www.excellencia

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190523T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190523T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 23 May 2019 URL: n-23-may-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=160 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position by booking a place on this interactive 1- day course.




\n' data-med ium-file=' 1403709592905.png?fit=300%2C149&ssl=1' data-large-file=' 347&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-2823' src =' 709558124-300x149.png?resize=300%2C149&ssl=1' alt='non-executive director' width='300' height='149' data-recalc-dims='1' />'As an introduction to th e world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and prac tical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this directi on. Money well spent!'

John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This o ne-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential k nowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governanc e that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also conside rs up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical s essions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a firs t appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted . There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective cont ribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection a nd reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides pr actical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive d irector
  • \n

Course obje ctives
\nParticipation on this course will provide yo u with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive d irectors can make to the board in different types of company and situation s
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non- executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods fo r finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be interv iewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CD ir FIoD


David Doughty - Chartere
 d DirectorThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:  ( n/daviddoughty)


< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Key Details
\nD uration: 1 day

The Mclaren Building
\n46 The Priory Queensway
\nBirmingham B4 7LR
\n< p>Price


£350.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)


< em id='__mceDel'>NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
< /p>\n

Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshm ents and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts a s 6 CPD hours of structured learning


Summary< /div>
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director net
Article Name
NEDworks the Non-Executive Director net work
Welcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trus ts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trust ees.

Tickets: courses/how-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.

DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190625T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190625T163000 GEO:+52.482374;-1.895548 LOCATION:The Mclaren Building @ 46 The Priory Queensway\, Birmingham B4 7LR SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Birmingham 25 June 2019 URL: ngham-25-june-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20200921T030721Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:

Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position by booking a place on this interactive 1- day course.


\n' data-medium-file=' 905.png?fit=300%2C149&ssl=1' data-large-file=' et/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NED1-e1403709592905.png?fit=695%2C347&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-2823' src='https:// 300x149.png?resize=300%2C149&ssl=1' alt='non-executive director' width='30 0' height='149' data-recalc-dims='1' />'As an introduction to the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insi ght in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this direction. Money well spent!'

John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at W eber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom


The How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and pre pare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day int eractive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge a bout roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to d ate thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.


This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointm ent and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity an d relevance.


This course identifies the various ways and circumsta nces in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution t o a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those s eeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoin t a non-executive director.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how and why non- executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical gu idance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n

Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key t asks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive directors c an make to the board in different types of company and situations
  • \nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods for finding\ , selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors
  • \n
  • U nderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD


David Doughty - Chartered Director
 The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive \, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has e xtensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterp rises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant t o multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)


Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day

111 Piccadilly
\nManchester M1 2HY



£350.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
£320.00 (ex VAT)


Partner Price*
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\n Co urse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshment s and a copy of the course handbook


Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning


*Discounts on Excellencia c ourse fees are available for:


\n' data-medium-file='https :// 51819.png?fit=300%2C242&ssl=1' data-large-file=' .net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/boardroomlr-e1403708151819.png?fit=695%2C5 63&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignright size-medium wp-image-211' src=' 300x242.png?resize=300%2C242&ssl=1' alt='boardroomlr' width='300' height=' 242' data-recalc-dims='1' />Join us on Tuesday\, July 30 2019 to find out how you can become a Non-Executive Director.


'Excellent course giving a clear picture of the r ole\, the skills and characteristics required\, the range of NED opportuni ties and the various routes to secure such positions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'


Mark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director


The < strong>How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.


This one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.

\n< p style='text-align: justify\;'>This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointme nt and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.


This course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.


Who should attend?
\nIndividuals wh o are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive direct or.


What to expect?

  • Clarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board
  • \n
  • Provides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director
  • \n

Course objectives
\nPartic ipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Clarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks
  • \n
  • Appreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in di fferent types of company and situations
  • \n
  • Recognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment
  • \n
  • Appreciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors
  • \n
  • Understand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director
  • \n

Course Leader: David Do ughty CDir FIoD


\n' data-medium-file='https://i1.wp .com/ ' data-large-file=' 04/2a7f488.jpg?fit=80%2C80&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='alignleft size-ful l wp-image-615' src=' /2013/04/2a7f488.jpg?resize=80%2C80&ssl=1' alt='2a7f488' width='80' height ='80' data-recalc-dims='1' />The course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\ , Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private an d public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national or ganisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Direc tors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (< /p>\n

Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
\nLocatio n:


The Waterfront
\nWelsh Back
\nBristol BS1 4SB


£ 350.00 (ex VAT)


Pa yment with Booking Price
\n £320.00 (ex VAT)


Partner Price*
\n £295.00 (ex VAT)


Book Now
\nTo see course d ates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\ , refreshments and a copy of the course handbook


Attendanc e counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning


Attendance certificate provided after the course


*Discounts on Excellencia cour se fees are available for:

