BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.26.9// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-FROM-URL: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20211031T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 RDATE:20221030T020000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20210328T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 RDATE:20220327T010000 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'A well structured an d presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attribut es required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred back to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times al ready'\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Dis coverer\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledg e about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up t o date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners \, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on ide ntifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emp hasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and re levance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in whi ch non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their moti vation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-ex ecutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nW hat to expect?\n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can streng then a board\nProvides practical guidance on how best to secure an appoint ment as a non-executive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on th is course will provide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's r ole\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-execu tive director appointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, se lecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of n on-executive director\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe cours e is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experien ced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Me ntor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board l evel consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director A mbassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day \nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon\nSW1Y 5ED \nPri ce\n£330.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £300.00 (ex VAT)\nPartn er Price*\n £280.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book yo ur place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunc h\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia cou rse fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nMembers of the N on-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Boardcircl e\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click t o share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:L ike Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director netwo rkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity T rustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: ourses/course-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=143. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180911T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180911T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 11 September 2018 URL: 2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n
\\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transf ormation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a r eal sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge .
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, respo nsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations f or a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on co rporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and empl oyees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a fi rst appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accept ed. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences wit h clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive dire ctors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examin es methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction an d reward.
\nWho should attend?
ndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appo
intment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-exe
cutive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives< br />\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to :
\nCourse Leader:
course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly ex
perienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Busin
ess Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in
small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a b
oard level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Dire
ctor Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile h
ere: (http://uk.l
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Institute of Director
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED
\n£330.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
\nPartner Price*\n £280.00 (ex VAT)
\nBook Now
\nTo see course dates and to b
ook your place now follow this link:
Course Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbo
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are availa ble for:
\nTickets: http://www.excellenc< /p> X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=143 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:The Effective Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; w DESCRIPTION:The effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executive director. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\n\nThis one-day interact ive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essentia l knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate govern ance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also cons iders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effect ive contribution to a board's work.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executive directors.\nWhat to expect? \n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\n Provides practical guidance on how to be effective as a non-executive dire ctor\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you w ith the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks \nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to th e board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualit ies and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n \nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chi ef Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensi ve executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mult i-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Insti tute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: \n\nKey Details\nDuratio n: 1 day\nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon SW1Y 5E D\nPrice\n£330.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£300.00 (ex VAT)\n Partner Discount Price\n£280.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see course dates a nd to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nCourses c an be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact or call 01173 827 820\n\n*Disc ounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NE Dworks\nMembers of the Non-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transition s\nMembers of Boardcircle\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Ope ns in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens i n new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non- Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sect or Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College G overnors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https: // nt_id=145. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180919T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180919T163000 GEO:+51.507185;-0.131668 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Effective Non-Executive Director – London 19 September 2018 URL: arch-2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n
\\nThe effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executiv e director. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nTh is one-day interactive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy a nd corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis cour se identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive di rectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executi ve directors.
\nWhat to expec t?
\nCourse objectives
ation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: span>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n*Discounts on E xcellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: ?action=evregister&event_id=145.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: tion=evregister&event_id=145 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'A well structured an d presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attribut es required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred back to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times al ready'\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Dis coverer\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledg e about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up t o date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners \, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on ide ntifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emp hasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and re levance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in whi ch non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their moti vation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-ex ecutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nW hat to expect?\n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can streng then a board\nProvides practical guidance on how best to secure an appoint ment as a non-executive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on th is course will provide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's r ole\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-execu tive director appointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, se lecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of n on-executive director\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe cours e is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experien ced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Me ntor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board l evel consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director A mbassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day \nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon\nSW1Y 5ED \nPri ce\n£330.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £300.00 (ex VAT)\nPartn er Price*\n £280.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book yo ur place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunc h\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia cou rse fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nMembers of the N on-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Boardcircl e\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click t o share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:L ike Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director netwo rkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity T rustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: ourses/course-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=143. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181023T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181023T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 23 October 2018 URL: ber-2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transf ormation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a r eal sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge .
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, respo nsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations f or a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on co rporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and empl oyees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a fi rst appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accept ed. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences wit h clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive dire ctors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examin es methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction an d reward.
\nWho should attend?
ndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appo
intment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-exe
cutive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives< br />\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to :
\nCourse Leader:
course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly ex
perienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Busin
ess Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in
small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a b
oard level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Dire
ctor Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile h
ere: (http://uk.l
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Institute of Director
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED
\n£330.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
\nPartner Price*\n £280.00 (ex VAT)
\nBook Now
\nTo see course dates and to b
ook your place now follow this link:
Course Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbo
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are availa ble for:
\nTickets: http://www.excellenc< /p> X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=143 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp://\,uk DESCRIPTION:Are you thinking of becoming a Non-Executive Director as part o f a Portfolio Career or to develop your boardroom skills prior to taking u p an executive director role?\nJoin us on Tuesday\, November 27 2018 to fi nd out how you can become a Non-Executive Director.\n'Excellent course giv ing a clear picture of the role\, the skills and characteristics required\ , the range of NED opportunities and the various routes to secure such pos itions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'\nMark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare fo r your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive cours e is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, r esponsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundatio ns for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking o n corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED oppo rtunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing du e diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the impo rtance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis co urse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also ex amines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, inductio n and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-e xecutive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n \nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nPr ovides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-ex ecutive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will p rovide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose an d key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director ap pointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appoin ting and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation req uired to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive dir ector\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered b y David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executiv e\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enter prises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for th e Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (http://uk.linked\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nOrch ard Street Business Centre\n14 Orchard Street\nBristol BS1 5EH\nPrice\n£33 0.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £300.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Pric e*\n £280.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your plac e now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, ref reshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD ho urs of structured learning\nAttendance certificate provided after the cour se\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier 1 members of NEDworks\nMembers of the Non-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Execu tive Transitions\nMembers of Boardcircle\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to shar e on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle Name NEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\ ; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public a nd Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Sch ool and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: n=evregister&event_id=144. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181127T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181127T163000 GEO:+51.451652;-2.59271 LOCATION:The Waterfront @ Welsh Back\, Bristol BS1 4SB\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Bristol 27 November 2018 URL: ol-27-november-2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n
\\nMark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director
\nThe How to become a Non-Executi ve Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis on e-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential kn owledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also consider s up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nTh is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a b oard's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews thei r motivation\, induction and reward.
\nWho shoul
d attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive di
rector\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those l
ooking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect ?
Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provid
e you with the knowledge to:
C ourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n\n' data-medium-file=' s/2013/04/2a7f488.jpg?fit=80%2C80&ssl=1' data-large-file=' m/' l oading='lazy' class='alignleft size-full wp-image-615' src='https://i1.wp. com/ &ssl=1' alt='2a7f488' width='80' height='80' data-recalc-dims='1' />The co urse is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly exper ienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in sma ll and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a boar d level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Directo r Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here : (\n
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Orchard Street Busine
ss Centre
\n14 Orchard Street
\nBristol BS1 5EH
0 (ex VAT)
with Booking Price
£300.00 (ex VAT)
Partner Price*
\n £280.00 (ex VAT)<
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book
your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registrat
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy o
f the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\nAttendance certificate provided after the course
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for: strong>
\nTickets: http://www.excellencia
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=144 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n \n'As an introductio n to the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest a nd practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this direction. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a No n-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilitie s\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-E xecutive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate go vernance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nTh is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifie s the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward. \n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive dire ctor\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those loo king to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies ho w and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practic al guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive direct or\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you wit h the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nA ppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the b oard in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nApp reciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewar ding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to inter view for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCours e Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Dought y\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Exec utive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive exec utive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in priv ate and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-natio nal organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ddoughty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nLockside\n5 Scotla nd Street\nBirmingham B1 2RR\nPrice\n £330.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booki ng Price\n£300.00 (ex VAT)\nNEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£280.00 (ex VAT) \nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this lin k:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured lea rning\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window )Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Faceboo k (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Lik e this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Direct or networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive D irectors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards includ ing NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and C harity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: http://www.excellencia DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190115T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190115T163000 GEO:+52.482096;-1.902802 LOCATION:Cornwall Buildings @ 45 Newhall St\, Birmingham B3 3QR\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Birmingham 15 January 2019 URL: ngham-15-january-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\n
John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Pro ducts LLC United Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Ex ecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your fi rst NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, an d how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, res ponsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and em ployees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performi ng due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which no n-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work . It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivatio n\, induction and reward.
\nWho should attend?
duals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointme
nt as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executiv
e director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\,
a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executi
ve\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executi
ve and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private
and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national
organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Di
rectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Pri ce
\n£300.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£280.00 (ex VAT)
\nTo see course dates and to book your pl
ace now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includ
es lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\n\nTickets: http://www
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£330 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'A well structured an d presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attribut es required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred back to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times al ready'\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Dis coverer\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledg e about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up t o date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners \, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on ide ntifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emp hasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and re levance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in whi ch non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their moti vation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-ex ecutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nW hat to expect?\n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can streng then a board\nProvides practical guidance on how best to secure an appoint ment as a non-executive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on th is course will provide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's r ole\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-execu tive director appointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, se lecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of n on-executive director\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe cours e is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experien ced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Me ntor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board l evel consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director A mbassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day \nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon\nSW1Y 5ED \nPri ce\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartn er Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book yo ur place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunc h\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia cou rse fees are available for:\n\n\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 member s of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Clic k to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Op ens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the networ k for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and Coll ege Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: h ttp:// &event_id=158. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190212T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190212T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 12 February 2019 URL: n-12-february-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transf ormation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a r eal sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge .
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, respo nsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations f or a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on co rporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and empl oyees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a fi rst appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accept ed. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences wit h clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive dire ctors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examin es methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction an d reward.
\nWho should attend?
ndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appo
intment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-exe
cutive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives< br />\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to :
\nCourse Leader:
course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly ex
perienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Busin
ess Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in
small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a b
oard level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Dire
ctor Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile h
ere: (http://uk.l
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Institute of Director
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED
\n£350.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
\nPartner Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)
\nBook Now
\nTo see course dates and to b
ook your place now follow this link:
Course Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbo
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are availa ble for:
\nTickets: tration/?action=evregister&event_id=158.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=158 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:The Effective Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; w DESCRIPTION:The effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executive director. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\n\nThis one-day interact ive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essentia l knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate govern ance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also cons iders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effect ive contribution to a board's work.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executive directors.\nWhat to expect? \n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\n Provides practical guidance on how to be effective as a non-executive dire ctor\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you w ith the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks \nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to th e board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualit ies and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n \nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chi ef Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensi ve executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mult i-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Insti tute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: \n\nKey Details\nDuratio n: 1 day\nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon SW1Y 5E D\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n Partner Discount Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see course dates a nd to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nCourses c an be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact or call 01173 827 820\n\n*Disc ounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NE Dworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDwo rks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Publ ic and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty \n \n \n Tickets: action=evregister&event_id=153. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190312T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190312T163000 GEO:+51.507185;-0.131668 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Effective Non-Executive Director – London 12 March 2019 URL: 12-march-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThe effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executiv e director. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nTh is one-day interactive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy a nd corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis cour se identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive di rectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executi ve directors.
\nWhat to expec t?
\nCourse objectives
ation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: span>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n*Discounts on E xcellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: ster&event_id=153.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: tion=evregister&event_id=153 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'A well structured an d presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attribut es required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred back to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times al ready'\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Dis coverer\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledg e about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up t o date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners \, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on ide ntifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emp hasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and re levance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in whi ch non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their moti vation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-ex ecutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nW hat to expect?\n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can streng then a board\nProvides practical guidance on how best to secure an appoint ment as a non-executive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on th is course will provide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's r ole\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-execu tive director appointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, se lecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of n on-executive director\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe cours e is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experien ced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Me ntor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board l evel consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director A mbassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day \nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon\nSW1Y 5ED \nPri ce\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartn er Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book yo ur place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunc h\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia cou rse fees are available for:\n\n\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 member s of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Clic k to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Op ens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the networ k for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and Coll ege Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: h ttp:// &event_id=160. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190523T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190523T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 23 May 2019 URL: n-23-may-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transf ormation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a r eal sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge .
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, respo nsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations f or a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on co rporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and empl oyees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a fi rst appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accept ed. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences wit h clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive dire ctors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examin es methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction an d reward.
\nWho should attend?
ndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appo
intment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-exe
cutive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives< br />\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to :
\nCourse Leader:
course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly ex
perienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Busin
ess Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in
small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a b
oard level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Dire
ctor Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile h
ere: (http://uk.l
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
Institute of Director
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED
\n£350.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
\nPartner Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)
\nBook Now
\nTo see course dates and to b
ook your place now follow this link:
Course Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbo
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are availa ble for:
\nTickets: tration/?action=evregister&event_id=160.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=160 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Stakeholderz CONTACT: DESCRIPTION:Major Networking and Pitch Event in Central London 5:45pm Thurs day 13th June 2019 - Stakeholderz\nTo celebrate and build on a successful start to 2019\, Stakeholderz are running a networking and pitch event star ting at 5:45pm on Thursday 13 June at the new SMAB offices in Central Lond on. The event will bring together members of their investing community as well as featuring some 'advance state' ventures seeking growth and investm ent with their exclusive pool of senior executive talent and investors.\nT o secure your place – you can register here using the password: Stakeholde rzJune2019.\nStakeholderz will be recognising some of their most successfu l funding and talent achievements – including the amazing fund raise for V ortex IoT at the end of 2018 – and introducing you to the exciting new ven tures and investors joining the Stakeholderz community.\nBeacon Venture Pi tch – (Pending roles - Lead Investor role\, Chair\, NED).\nBeacon has just achieved over 50% of their current funding round. They are an adtech busi ness whose technology can save users around 1/3 of wasted digital advertis ing spend. CEO Nigel Bridges will explain more about their offer\, as well as share details of their future product road map\, highlighting why Beac on is such a promising investment.\nPreview of ventures currently in the S takeholderz pre-funding listing process\n\nSymVolli is a ground-breaking E nterprise Resource Planning solution with a key price advantage. The compa ny has an interesting investor heritage and is about to raise a seed round to drive sales and further expansion.\nYousoft are currently involved in the customer retention programme for Porsche\, as well as a significant nu mber of other international clients which is testament to their valuable k now-how.\n\nPenny Power OBE\n\nPenny Power OBE has just joined the Stakeho lderz Advisory Board following an extensive business career as a dotcom pi oneer – earning her an OBE for services to entrepreneurship in social and digital development.\nPenny built the pre-cursor to LinkedIn\, establishin g huge numbers and demonstrating the phenomenal growth potential of the in ternet. She is a highly respected businesswoman\, author\, coach and mento r.\nBy video she will talk briefly about entrepreneurship\, as well as Sta keholderz in the context of fund raising and investing.\n \nDavid Martin i s one of SMAB’s top commercial lawyers used by Stakeholderz. David will sa y a few words about the legal requirements associated with preparing a ven ture for investment as well as from an investor's point of view.\nIf you a re an active investor and haven’t already done so\, please register on the Stakeholderz platform. This gives you the first access to more informatio n on all new ventures as they list with us.\nThe Stakeholderz model surrou nds each venture with deep domain and senior executive expertise and talen t as well as investment. They are looking for Lead Investors and Investing Directors to come forward and others who may be willing to take up the Ch air\, NED and Advisory Board appointments. Please contact Dermot Hill to d iscuss and attach an up-to-date CV.\nFor more information you can download their helpful and free ‘Guide to Investing’ or find out more about their programme with the UKBAA to bring more investors to this vibrant 'tech inv esting' market via this training course on ‘The Effective Angel Investor’. \nStakeholderz look forward to welcoming you to this event – register here to ensure your place.\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in n ew window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share o n Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new w indow)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executi ve Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Ex ecutive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boar ds including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governor s\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https://www.e DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190613T174500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190613T194500 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stakeholderz – Major Networking and Pitch Event in Central London URL: t-in-central-london/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; s/2019/05/thumb_Stakeholderz_logo_blue_RGB.jpg?resize=300%2C51&ssl=1\;300\ ;51\,medium\; mb_Stakeholderz_logo_blue_RGB.jpg?resize=300%2C51&ssl=1\;300\;51\,large\;h ttps:// z_logo_blue_RGB.jpg?resize=300%2C51&ssl=1\;300\;51\,full\; m/ .jpg?resize=300%2C51&ssl=1\;300\;51 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nTo cele
brate and build on a successful start to 2019\, Stakeholderz are running a
networking and pitch event starting at 5:45pm on Thursday 13 June at the
new SMAB offices in Central London. The event will bring together members
of their investing community as well as featuring some 'advance state' ven
tures seeking growth and investment with their exclusive pool of senior ex
ecutive talent and investors.
To sec ure your place – you can register here using the password: StakeholderzJune2019.
\nStakeholderz will be recogni sing some of their most successful funding and talent achievements – inclu ding the amazing fund raise for Vortex IoT at the end of 2018 – and introd ucing you to the exciting new ventures and investors joining the Stakehold erz community.
\nBeacon has just achieved over 50% of their current funding round. They are an adtech business whose technol ogy can save users around 1/3 of wasted digital advertising spend. CEO Nig el Bridges will explain more about their offer\, as well as share details of their future product road map\, highlighting why Beacon is such a promi sing investment.
\nPenny Power OBE has just j oined the Stakeholderz Advisory Board following an extensive business care er as a dotcom pioneer – earning her an OBE for services to entrepreneursh ip in social and digital development.
\nPenny built the pre-cursor t o LinkedIn\, establishing huge numbers and demonstrating the phenomenal gr owth potential of the internet. She is a highly respected businesswoman\, author\, coach and mentor.
\nBy video she will talk briefly about en trepreneurship\, as well as Stakeholderz in the context of fund raising an d investing.
David Martin is one of SMA B’s top commercial lawyers used by Stakeholderz. David will say a few word s about the legal requirements associated with preparing a venture for inv estment as well as from an investor's point of view.
\nIf you are an active investor and haven’t already done so\, please register on th e Stakeholderz platform. This gives you the first access to more infor mation on all new ventures as they list with us.
\nThe Stakeholderz model surrounds each venture with deep domain and senior executive experti se and talent as well as investment. They are looking for Lead Investors a nd Investing Directors to come forward and others who may be willing to ta ke up the Chair\, NED and Advisory Board appointments. Pl ease contact Dermot Hill to di scuss and attach an up-to-date CV.
\nFor more information you can do wnload their helpful and free ‘Guide to Investing’ or find out more about their programme with the UKBAA to bring more investors to this vibrant 'tech investing' market via this tra ining course on ‘The Effective Angel Investor’.< /p>\n
Stakeholderz look forward to welcoming you to this event – register here to ensure your place.
\n\n' data-medium-file=' content/uploads/2017/12/NED-banner-London.png?fit=300%2C69&ssl=1' data-lar ge-file=' ner-London.png?fit=695%2C159&ssl=1' loading='lazy' class='aligncenter wp-i mage-450714 size-full' title='Click here to book your place on this highly popular interactive 1-day course' src=' content/uploads/2019/03/NED-banner-London.png?resize=695%2C159&ssl=1' alt= '' width='695' height='159' data-recalc-dims='1' />\nTickets: akeholderz-pitch-event-tickets-61492351278.
X-TICKETS-URL: ts-61492351278 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n \n'As an introductio n to the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest a nd practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this direction. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a No n-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilitie s\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-E xecutive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate go vernance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nTh is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifie s the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward. \n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive dire ctor\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those loo king to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies ho w and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practic al guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive direct or\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you wit h the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nA ppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the b oard in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nApp reciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewar ding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to inter view for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCours e Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Dought y\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Exec utive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive exec utive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in priv ate and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-natio nal organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ddoughty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nThe Mclaren Buildi ng\n46 The Priory Queensway\nBirmingham B4 7LR\nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\n Payment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\nNEDworks Tier1 Member Price \n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place n ow follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refres hments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (O pens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click t o share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the No n-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network f or Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary se ctor Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: http :// DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190625T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190625T163000 GEO:+52.482374;-1.895548 LOCATION:The Mclaren Building @ 46 The Priory Queensway\, Birmingham B4 7LR SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Birmingham 25 June 2019 URL: ngham-25-june-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\n
John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Pro ducts LLC United Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Ex ecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your fi rst NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, an d how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, res ponsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and em ployees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performi ng due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which no n-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work . It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivatio n\, induction and reward.
\nWho should attend?
duals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointme
nt as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executiv
e director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\,
a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executi
ve\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executi
ve and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private
and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national
organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Di
rectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price
0.00 (ex VAT)
Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
Book Now
\nTo see course dates a
nd to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the cou
rse handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structure d learning
\nTickets: n-executive-director/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\n111 Piccadilly\nManche ster M1 2HY\nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Price*\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fe e includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttenda nce counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Exce llencia course fees are available for:\n\n\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nT ier1 members of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to sha re on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in ne w window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle Nam eNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks \; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Sc hool and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: utive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190716T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190716T163000 GEO:+53.478308;-2.241605 LOCATION:Princess Street Hotel @ Princess St\, Manchester M1 4LG\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Manchester 16 July 2019 URL: ester-16-july-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn C ooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC U nited Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Dir ector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED pos ition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you c an meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibiliti es\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non- Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate g overnance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunit ies\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dili gence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis c ourse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also e xamines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, inducti on and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who a
re currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non
-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect? span>
\nCourse objectives
pation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Lead er: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartere
d Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\
, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-
executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public
sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisati
ons and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. Se
e his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
strong>Payment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)
strong>Partner Price*
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to
book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course ha
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured lear ning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: w-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp://\,uk DESCRIPTION:Are you thinking of becoming a Non-Executive Director as part o f a Portfolio Career or to develop your boardroom skills prior to taking u p an executive director role?\nJoin us on Tuesday\, July 30 2019 to find o ut how you can become a Non-Executive Director.\n'Excellent course giving a clear picture of the role\, the skills and characteristics required\, th e range of NED opportunities and the various routes to secure such positio ns. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A goo d career investment.'\nMark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director\nThe How to b ecome a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for yo ur first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs \, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, respo nsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations f or a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on co rporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and empl oyees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportun ities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due di ligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importan ce of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive dire ctors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examin es methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction an d reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-execu tive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nCla rifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvide s practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executi ve director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provid e you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appoint ment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director \n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by Dav id Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, C hief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has exten sive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprise s in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mu lti-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Ins titute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( m/in/daviddoughty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nThe Water front\nWelsh Back\nBristol BS1 4SB\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCou rse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n Attendance certificate provided after the course\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Exce llencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Tw itter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window )Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsAp p (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDwork s the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the n etwork for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Volu ntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Ticke ts: ister&event_id=159. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190730T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190730T163000 GEO:+51.451652;-2.59271 LOCATION:The Waterfront @ Welsh Back\, Bristol BS1 4SB\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Bristol 30 July 2019 URL: ol-30-july-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n'E xcellent course giving a clear picture of the role\, the skills and charac teristics required\, the range of NED opportunities and the various routes to secure such positions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'
\nMark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director
\nThe How to become a Non- Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essen tial knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate gov ernance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also c onsiders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilit ies of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportuniti es\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dilig ence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circums tances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and revie ws their motivation\, induction and reward.
o should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-execu
tive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and
those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect?
strong>Course objectives
\nParticipation on this course will
provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
Key Details<
\nDuration: 1 day
The Waterfront
\nWelsh Back
\nBristol BS1 4SB
\n£350.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
\n £320.00 (ex VAT)
Partner Price*
\n £295.00 (ex VAT)
\nTo see course dates and to book your place
now follow this link:
\nCourse Registrati
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of
the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of s tructured learning
\nAttendance certificate provided after the course
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: http://www.exc .
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=159 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:The Effective Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; w DESCRIPTION:The effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executive director. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\n\nThis one-day interact ive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essentia l knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate govern ance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also cons iders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effect ive contribution to a board's work.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executive directors.\nWhat to expect? \n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\n Provides practical guidance on how to be effective as a non-executive dire ctor\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you w ith the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks \nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to th e board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualit ies and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n \nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chi ef Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensi ve executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mult i-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Insti tute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: \n\nKey Details\nDuratio n: 1 day\nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon SW1Y 5E D\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n Partner Discount Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see course dates a nd to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nCourses c an be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact or call 01173 827 820\n\n*Disc ounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NE Dworks\nMembers of the Non-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transition s\nMembers of Boardcircle\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Ope ns in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens i n new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non- Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sect or Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College G overnors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https: // nt_id=145. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191008T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191008T163000 GEO:+51.507185;-0.131668 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Effective Non-Executive Director – London 8 October 2019 URL: vember-2018/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThe effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executiv e director. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nTh is one-day interactive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy a nd corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis cour se identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive di rectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executi ve directors.
\nWhat to expec t?
\nCourse objectives
ation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: span>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n*Discounts on E xcellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: ?action=evregister&event_id=145.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: tion=evregister&event_id=145 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'A well structured an d presented introduction to the responsibilities\, challenges and attribut es required of being a NED. It was thought-provoking. I have referred back to my copious comments in the comprehensive slide hand outs many times al ready'\nSimon C Jones\, Interim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Dis coverer\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to pl an and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of wha t is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledg e about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up t o date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners \, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on ide ntifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emp hasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and re levance.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in whi ch non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their moti vation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-ex ecutive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nW hat to expect?\n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can streng then a board\nProvides practical guidance on how best to secure an appoint ment as a non-executive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on th is course will provide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's r ole\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executi ve directors can make to the board in different types of company and situa tions\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-execu tive director appointment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, se lecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of n on-executive director\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe cours e is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experien ced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Me ntor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board l evel consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director A mbassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day \nLocation:\nInstitute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon\nSW1Y 5ED \nPri ce\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n £320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartn er Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book yo ur place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunc h\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia cou rse fees are available for:\n\n\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 member s of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Clic k to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Op ens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the networ k for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and Coll ege Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: h ttp:// &event_id=160. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191126T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191126T163000 GEO:+51.507235;-0.1319 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y \, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 26 November 2019 URL: n-26-november-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nSimon C Jones\, Int erim Transformation Leader and Hidden Value Discoverer
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet th e challenge.
\nThis one-day interactiv e course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about ro les\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key fo undations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thi nking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the boa rd and employees.
\nThis is followed b y practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obt aining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any positio n is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your expe riences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-exe cutive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, i nduction and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director\; those s
eeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoin
t a non-executive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objective
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the k
nowledge to:
Course Leader: strong>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director an
d highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneu
r and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive exp
erience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He
is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Cha
rtered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedI
n profile here: (
Key D
\nDuration: 1 day
of Directors
\n116 Pall Mall
\nSW1Y 5ED
\n£350.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price< /p>\n
£320.00 (ex VAT)< /span>
\nPartner Price*
\n £295.00 (ex VAT)
Book Now
\nTo see course da
tes and to book your place now follow this link:
Course Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the c
ourse handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structu red learning
\n< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>*Discounts on Excellencia course fee s are available for:
\nTickets: http://www.exce< /a>.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=160 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp://\,uk DESCRIPTION:Are you thinking of becoming a Non-Executive Director as part o f a Portfolio Career or to develop your boardroom skills prior to taking u p an executive director role?\nJoin us on Tuesday\, January 21 2020 to fin d out how you can become a Non-Executive Director.\n'Excellent course givi ng a clear picture of the role\, the skills and characteristics required\, the range of NED opportunities and the various routes to secure such posi tions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'\nMark Lambert\, Non-Executive Director\nThe How t o become a Non-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of N EDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, re sponsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundation s for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and e mployees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED oppor tunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the impor tance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis cou rse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive d irectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also exa mines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-ex ecutive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director a nd those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\n Clarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProv ides practical guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-exec utive director\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will pro vide you with the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can m ake to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise t he qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appo intment\nAppreciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointi ng and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation requi red to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive direc tor\n\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\ , Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has ex tensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterpr ises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (http://uk.linkedin .com/in/daviddoughty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nInstit ute of Directors\n116 Pall Mall\nLondon SW1Y 5ED\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT) \nPayment with Booking Price\n £320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Price*\n £295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of struct ured learning\nAttendance certificate provided after the course\n\n\n\n*Di scounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Open s in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to s hare on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArti cle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to N EDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterpris es\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Dou ghty\n \n \n Tickets: n/?action=evregister&event_id=159. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200121T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200121T163000 GEO:+51.507267;-0.131924 LOCATION:Institute of Directors @ 116 Pall Mall\, St. James's\, London SW1Y 5ED\, UK SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – London 21 January 2020 URL: n-19-september-2019/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n'Excellent course giving a clear picture of the role\, the skills and cha racteristics required\, the range of NED opportunities and the various rou tes to secure such positions. As a bonus you also meet interesting people and useful contacts. A good career investment.'
\nMark Lambert strong>\, Non-Executive Director
\nThe How to become a N on-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for yo ur first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs \, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers es sential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It als o considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibi lities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportun ities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due di ligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importan ce of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circ umstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribut ion to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and re views their motivation\, induction and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are currently a non-ex
ecutive director\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director a
nd those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect?
\nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD< /p>\n
Key Detai
\nDuration: 1 day
Institute of D
\n116 Pall Mall
\nLondon SW1Y 5ED
\n£350.00 (ex VAT
Payment with Boo
king Price
£320.00 (ex VAT)
Partner Price*
\n £295.00 (ex VAT)<
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to bo
ok your place now follow this link:
rse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments
and a copy of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\nAttendance certificate p rovided after the course
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are ava ilable for:
\nTickets: r&event_id=159.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ion=evregister&event_id=159 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:The Effective Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; w DESCRIPTION:The effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executive director. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\n\nThis one-day interact ive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essentia l knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate govern ance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also cons iders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effect ive contribution to a board's work.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executive directors.\nWhat to expect? \n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\n Provides practical guidance on how to be effective as a non-executive dire ctor\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you w ith the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks \nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to th e board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualit ies and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n \nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chi ef Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensi ve executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mult i-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Insti tute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: \n\nKey Details\nDuratio n: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPaym ent with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments an d a copy of the course handbook\nCourses can be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact courses@excell or call 01173 827 820\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nMembers of the Non-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Boardcircle\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: /course-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=145. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200325T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200325T163000 GEO:+51.715939;-1.207845 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Effective Non-Executive Director – Video Conference 25 March 20 20 URL: arch-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThe effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executiv e director. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nTh is one-day interactive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy a nd corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis cour se identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive di rectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executi ve directors.
\nWhat to expec t?
\nCourse objectives
ation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: span>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available f or:
\nTickets: ation/?action=evregister&event_id=145.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: tion=evregister&event_id=145 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n \n'As an introductio n to the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest a nd practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this direction. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West E urope at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a No n-Executive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first N ED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilitie s\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-E xecutive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate go vernance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nTh is is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, th e process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence be fore any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of pres enting your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifie s the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward. \n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive dire ctor\; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those loo king to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies ho w and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practic al guidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive direct or\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you wit h the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nA ppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the b oard in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nApp reciate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewar ding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to inter view for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCours e Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Dought y\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Exec utive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive exec utive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in priv ate and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-natio nal organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ddoughty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Confer ence\nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VA T)\nNEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\n The fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nA ttendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\nShare th is:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Linked In (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Cl ick to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Sum maryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelc ome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Pr ivate\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social E nterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n D avid Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: ome-a-non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200326T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200326T163000 GEO:+52.482374;-1.895548 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Video Conference 26 March 2020 URL: ngham-26-march-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\n
John Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Pro ducts LLC United Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Ex ecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your fi rst NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, an d how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, res ponsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and em ployees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performi ng due diligence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which no n-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work . It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivatio n\, induction and reward.
\nWho should attend?
duals who are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointme
nt as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executiv
e director.
What to expect?
\nCourse objectives
\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\,
a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executi
ve\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executi
ve and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private
and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national
organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Di
rectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
strong>Payment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)
em id='__mceDel'>NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)<
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshm
ents and a copy of the course handbook
Attendance counts a s 6 CPD hours of structured learning
\nTickets: courses/how-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; h ttp:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference \nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n NEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dat es and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAtten dance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:C lick to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn ( Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Summary Article NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Privat e\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enter prises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: a-non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200423T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200423T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Video Conference 23 April 2020 URL: -conference-23-april-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn C ooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC U nited Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Dir ector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED pos ition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you c an meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibiliti es\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non- Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate g overnance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunit ies\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dili gence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis c ourse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also e xamines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, inducti on and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who a
re currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non
-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect? span>
\nCourse objectives
pation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Lead er: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartere
d Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\
, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-
executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public
sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisati
ons and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. Se
e his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Price
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\n£320.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
\nTo see
course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Reg
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a
copy of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hou rs of structured learning
Tickets: w-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: utive-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:The Effective Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01173 827 820\;\; w DESCRIPTION:The effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executive director. It instils a real sense of what is expec ted of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.\n\nThis one-day interact ive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essentia l knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate govern ance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also cons iders up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effect ive contribution to a board's work.\n\nWho should attend?\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executive directors.\nWhat to expect? \n\nClarifies how and why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\n Provides practical guidance on how to be effective as a non-executive dire ctor\n\nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you w ith the knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks \nAppreciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to th e board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualit ies and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\n \nCourse Leader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chi ef Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensi ve executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to mult i-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Insti tute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here: \n\nKey Details\nDuratio n: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPaym ent with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments an d a copy of the course handbook\nCourses can be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact courses@excell or call 01173 827 820\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nMembers of the Non-Exec Hub\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Boardcircle\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: /course-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=166. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200521T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200521T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Effective Non-Executive Director – Video Conference 21 May 2020 URL: onference-21-may-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThe effective Non-Executive Director course helps you to be an effective non-executiv e director. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nTh is one-day interactive course is aimed at newly appointed or serving NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy a nd corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis cour se identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive di rectors can make an effective contribution to a board's work.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who are newly appointed or serving non-executi ve directors.
\nWhat to expec t?
\nCourse objectives
ation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Leader: span>David Doughty CDir FIoD
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available f or:
\nTickets: ation/?action=evregister&event_id=166.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: tion=evregister&event_id=166 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=174 DESCRIPTION:How directors and boards can take great strides in their unders tanding of strategic marketing\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\nAn ene rgetic business leader\, with significant experience in sales\, marketing\ , business\, product\, and process development gained in both start-up and corporate environments. Duncan is also a certified trainer/facilitator/co ach of corporate continuous process improvement and customer experience pr ograms.\n\n\nAttendees on this interactive video course will be more effec tive in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of marketi ng strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n\nUnderstand the relation ship between strategic marketing and company vision and mission\;\nObtain clarity on strategy selection from both internal and external perspectives \;\nProvide constructive challenges to the commercial team\;\nIdentify pot ential problems and corresponding solutions.\n\nIf you have ever wondered what strategic marketing is\, and how it relates to the businesses with wh ich you work\; or if you have sat in board meetings wondering what on eart h the marketing director was talking about\, this course will be a great s tart in building your marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence i n the subject.\n\n\n\n \n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Execut ive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-E xecutive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boa rds including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governo rs\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https://exce DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200602T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200602T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Marketing for non Marketing Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Tuesday 2 June 2020 URL: ctive-video-course-tuesday-2-june-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/Duncan-Hall.jpg?resize=179%2C179&ssl=1\;179\;179\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=179%2C179&ssl=1\;179\;179\,large\;\; 179\;179\,full\; 2/08/Duncan-Hall.jpg?resize=179%2C179&ssl=1\;179\;179 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=174.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=174 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=175. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200604T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200604T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for non Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 4 June 2020 URL: deo-course-thursday-4-june-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=176.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=176 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Finance for Non-Finance Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Finance for Non-Finance Directors: Financial Business Managemen t Tools and Financial Business Concepts for Executive and Non-Executive Di rectors\nBeing an effective board member in the private\, public or volunt ary sector requires a firm grasp and an in depth understanding of a range of financial concepts and skills.\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are n eeded by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in order to disc harge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The complet ion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key elements of Manage ment Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also provide a sou nd theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire ne w and more advanced financial management skills.\nAttendees will gain a th orough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet ele ments of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confi dent and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, director s\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.\n\nWho should attend?\nExecutiv e and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors lo oking to understand more about company finance.\nCourse Content\n\nThe Thr ee Key Financial Statements\n\nCash Flow Statements: Importance of cash fl ow and Impact of credit and credit control\, Problems affecting cash flow\ , Dealing with Debtors and Creditors\nProfit & Loss Account\, Types of pro fit\, and Layout & use of the profit & loss account\nBalance Sheets: Asset s\; Liabilities\; Net current assets\, capital employed and how to interpr et the information\;\n\n\nRevenue and Capital Expenditure\n\nWhat are Capi tal and Revenue Expenditure\nPhasing of capital spend and its Implications for budget holders\n\n\nDepreciation\; Assets and liabilities\n\nWhat is Depreciation?\nThe Different types and uses\n\n\nForecasts and Budgets\n\n The purpose of forecasts for the business\nBudget objectives\nBudgetary Co ntrol as a management tool\nVariance analysis\n\n\nUsing Ratios to Support Investment Decisions\n\nReturn on Capital Employed (ROCE)\; Payback\; Int ernal Rate of Return (IRR)\; Net Present Value of assets (NPV)\nInvestment decisions and Return on Investment (ROI)\; Cost of capital\nGearing\, is the level of borrowing too risky?\nLiquidity\, could the company hit cash flow problems?\nProfitability\, how well is the company doing?\n\n\n\nLear ning Objectives\nThis half-day course enables participants to understand b etter\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and ta ctical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adoptin g and applying a decision making approach to management.\nBy the end of th is training course participants will be better able to:\n\nRead\, analyse and interpret any set of Financial Statements\, including the Balance Shee t\, the Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow statements\nUnderstand and quantify the impact of the fundamental accounting concepts and the chosen policies upon any set of accounts\nRecognise and understand the underlyin g impact of the generally accepted accounting principles and policies on a ny Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account\nUnderstand the key differences between statutory published accounts and the internal monthly management accounts\nIdentify and discuss the key financial issues facing an organisa tion\nUnderstand the wider commercial impact of any business decision and its interaction with non-financial aspects of the organisation\, enabling you to make a better contribution to key discussions and decision making a mongst managers and within the organisation\nUnderstand the basics of budg ets and the implementation of budgeting processes\nValue any business usin g commonly used and widely accepted valuation techniques such as Net Asset Value\, Enterprise Value and EBITDA\nCommunicate more effectively and eas ily with Finance Directors\, and other Finance professionals\; through an in depth understanding of financial terminology\, management and evaluatio n techniques.\n\nCourse Leader:\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1/2 day\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference\nPrice\n£250. 00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*\n\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book you r place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes refre shments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiab le CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements o f most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors \, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered In stitute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful co mpletion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confir ming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outco mes and results.\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions \nMembers of Chartered Directir\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new win dow)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on What sApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDw orks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; th e network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and V oluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Ti ckets: /. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200708T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200708T150000 GEO:+51.453906;-2.599808 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Finance for Non-Finance Directors – Interactive Video Course 8 July 2020 URL: se-8-july-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1\;\;\; 1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are needed by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in or der to discharge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The completion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key element s of Management Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also pr ovide a sound theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire new and more advanced financial management skills.
\nAttend ees will gain a thorough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet elements of Management Accounts. You will become more invol ved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confident and comfortable when communicating with financial m anagers\, directors\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.
\nExecutive and Non-Executive Directors\, seni or executives or aspiring directors looking to understand more about compa ny finance.
\nThis half-day course enabl es participants to understand better\, the key attributes and approaches t hat underpin a strategic and tactical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adopting and applying a decision making approach t o management.
\nBy the end of this training course participants will be better able to:
\n\nDuration: 1/2 day
Zoom Video Conference
\n£250.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)
\nPartner Discount Price
\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to bo
ok your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
The fee includes refreshmen ts and a copy of the course handbook
\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements of most business focussed institutes\, including the Ins titute of Directors\, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Manageme nt Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales \, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful completion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confirming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outcomes and results.
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are ava ilable for:
\nTickets: ectors/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Finance\,No n-Executive Director X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: ectors/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=175. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200709T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200709T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for Non-Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 9 July 2020 URL: deo-course-thursday-9-july-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=177.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=177 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Finance for Non-Finance Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Finance for Non-Finance Directors: Financial Business Managemen t Tools and Financial Business Concepts for Executive and Non-Executive Di rectors\nBeing an effective board member in the private\, public or volunt ary sector requires a firm grasp and an in depth understanding of a range of financial concepts and skills.\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are n eeded by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in order to disc harge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The complet ion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key elements of Manage ment Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also provide a sou nd theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire ne w and more advanced financial management skills.\nAttendees will gain a th orough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet ele ments of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confi dent and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, director s\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.\n\nWho should attend?\nExecutiv e and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors lo oking to understand more about company finance.\nCourse Content\n\nThe Thr ee Key Financial Statements\n\nCash Flow Statements: Importance of cash fl ow and Impact of credit and credit control\, Problems affecting cash flow\ , Dealing with Debtors and Creditors\nProfit & Loss Account\, Types of pro fit\, and Layout & use of the profit & loss account\nBalance Sheets: Asset s\; Liabilities\; Net current assets\, capital employed and how to interpr et the information\;\n\n\nRevenue and Capital Expenditure\n\nWhat are Capi tal and Revenue Expenditure\nPhasing of capital spend and its Implications for budget holders\n\n\nDepreciation\; Assets and liabilities\n\nWhat is Depreciation?\nThe Different types and uses\n\n\nForecasts and Budgets\n\n The purpose of forecasts for the business\nBudget objectives\nBudgetary Co ntrol as a management tool\nVariance analysis\n\n\nUsing Ratios to Support Investment Decisions\n\nReturn on Capital Employed (ROCE)\; Payback\; Int ernal Rate of Return (IRR)\; Net Present Value of assets (NPV)\nInvestment decisions and Return on Investment (ROI)\; Cost of capital\nGearing\, is the level of borrowing too risky?\nLiquidity\, could the company hit cash flow problems?\nProfitability\, how well is the company doing?\n\n\n\nLear ning Objectives\nThis half-day course enables participants to understand b etter\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and ta ctical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adoptin g and applying a decision making approach to management.\nBy the end of th is training course participants will be better able to:\n\nRead\, analyse and interpret any set of Financial Statements\, including the Balance Shee t\, the Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow statements\nUnderstand and quantify the impact of the fundamental accounting concepts and the chosen policies upon any set of accounts\nRecognise and understand the underlyin g impact of the generally accepted accounting principles and policies on a ny Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account\nUnderstand the key differences between statutory published accounts and the internal monthly management accounts\nIdentify and discuss the key financial issues facing an organisa tion\nUnderstand the wider commercial impact of any business decision and its interaction with non-financial aspects of the organisation\, enabling you to make a better contribution to key discussions and decision making a mongst managers and within the organisation\nUnderstand the basics of budg ets and the implementation of budgeting processes\nValue any business usin g commonly used and widely accepted valuation techniques such as Net Asset Value\, Enterprise Value and EBITDA\nCommunicate more effectively and eas ily with Finance Directors\, and other Finance professionals\; through an in depth understanding of financial terminology\, management and evaluatio n techniques.\n\nCourse Leader:\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1/2 day\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference\nPrice\n£250. 00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*\n\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book you r place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes refre shments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiab le CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements o f most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors \, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered In stitute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful co mpletion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confir ming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outco mes and results.\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions \nMembers of Chartered Directir\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new win dow)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on What sApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDw orks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; th e network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and V oluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Ti ckets: /. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200909T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200909T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Finance for Non-Finance Directors – Interactive Video Course Wednes day 9 September 2020 URL: e-video-course-9-september-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1\;\;\; 1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are needed by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in or der to discharge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The completion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key element s of Management Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also pr ovide a sound theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire new and more advanced financial management skills.
\nAttend ees will gain a thorough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet elements of Management Accounts. You will become more invol ved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confident and comfortable when communicating with financial m anagers\, directors\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.
\nExecutive and Non-Executive Directors\, seni or executives or aspiring directors looking to understand more about compa ny finance.
\nThis half-day course enabl es participants to understand better\, the key attributes and approaches t hat underpin a strategic and tactical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adopting and applying a decision making approach t o management.
\nBy the end of this training course participants will be better able to:
\n\nDuration: 1/2 day
Zoom Video Conference
\n£250.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)
\nPartner Discount Price
\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*
Book Now
\nTo see course dates and to bo
ok your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
The fee includes refreshmen ts and a copy of the course handbook
\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements of most business focussed institutes\, including the Ins titute of Directors\, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Manageme nt Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales \, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful completion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confirming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outcomes and results.
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are ava ilable for:
\nTickets: ectors/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Finance\,No n-Executive Director X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: ectors/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=179. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200910T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200910T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for Non-Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 10 September 2020 URL: deo-course-thursday-10-september-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=177.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=177 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference \nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n NEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dat es and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAtten dance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n \nShare this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Summar yArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Priva te\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Ente rprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n Davi d Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20201021T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20201021T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Video Course 21 October 20 20 URL: -course-21-october-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn C ooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC U nited Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Dir ector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED pos ition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you c an meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibiliti es\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non- Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate g overnance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunit ies\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dili gence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis c ourse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also e xamines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, inducti on and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who a
re currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non
-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect? span>
\nCourse objectives
pation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Lead er: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartere
d Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\
, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-
executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public
sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisati
ons and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. Se
e his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Price
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\n£320.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
\nTo see
course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Regist
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a cop
y of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
Tickets: https://excellenci
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ve-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=179. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20201022T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20201022T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for Non-Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 22 October 2020 URL: deo-course-thursday-22-october-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=177.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=177 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=179. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20201126T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20201126T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for Non-Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 26 November 2020 URL: deo-course-thursday-26-november-2020/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nHow directors and boards can take gr eat strides in their understanding of strategic marketing\n | \n\n
\nCourse Leader: Duncan Hall\n
| \n
Attendees on this interactive video course will be mor
e effective in engaging with board level commercial teams over matters of
marketing strategy - they will be able to more easily:\n
If you have ever wondered what strategic mark eting is\, and how it relates to the businesses with which you work\; or i f you have sat in board meetings wondering what on earth the marketing dir ector was talking about\, this course will be a great start in building yo ur marketing knowledge and increasing your confidence in the subject. |
Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=177.
X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=177 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference \nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n NEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dat es and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAtten dance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n \nShare this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Summar yArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Priva te\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Ente rprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n Davi d Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210120T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210120T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Video Course 20 January 20 21 URL: -course-20-january-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,medium\;https://i2 ze=80%2C80\;80\;80\,large\; ent/uploads/2012/06/mck_0012.jpg?resize=80%2C80\;80\;80\,full\;https://i2. e=80%2C80\;80\;80 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn C ooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC U nited Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Dir ector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED pos ition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you c an meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibiliti es\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non- Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate g overnance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunit ies\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dili gence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis c ourse identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also e xamines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, inducti on and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who a
re currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a non
-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.
What to expect? span>
\nCourse objectives
pation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Lead er: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartere
d Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\
, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-
executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public
sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisati
ons and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. Se
e his LinkedIn profile here: (
Key Details
\nDuration: 1 day
< span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Price
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\n£320.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
\nTo see
course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Regist
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a cop
y of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning
Tickets: https://excellenci
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ve-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Marketing for Non-Marketing Directors\,Sales for Non-Sales Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// ent_id=175 DESCRIPTION:Everything directors and boards need to know about sales but we re afraid to ask\n\n\n\n\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sal es and results focused Business Leader / Sales Director\, with strong exec ution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowledge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of returning declining businesses back to profitable an d sustainable growth.\n\n\nThis interactive video course helps you to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge / term inology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ aligning a ‘ Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to deliver on th e company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with sectio n one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day basis w ith time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second half d ives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the commercial strategy\, ‘ How’ to implement this and ‘Tools and Metrics’ to measure success\n\n\n\n \nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loa ding...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescr iptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Ch airs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\ , Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees .Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: rse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=179. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210121T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210121T150000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sales for Non-Sales Directors – Interactive Video Course\, Thursday 21 January 2021 URL: deo-course-thursday-21-january-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; ploads/2012/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,medium\;h ttps:// jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180\,large\;\; 180\;180\,full\; 2/08/John-Hanson.jpg?resize=180%2C180&ssl=1\;180\;180 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n\nEverything directors and boards need to know about sales but were afraid to ask\n | \n|
\nCourse Leader: John Hanson\nA highly engaged sales and results focused B usiness Leader / Sales Director\, with strong execution skills and proven successes in Mature & Emerging Markets throughout EMEA. A breadth of knowl edge of the FMCG and Medical Device categories and a core competence of re turning declining businesses back to profitable and sustainable growth.\n | |
This interactive video course helps you
to be a more effective when working with a commercial team at board level
or on a day to day basis. Participants will gain the fundamental knowledge
/ terminology to interact with the commercial teams while creating/ align
ing a ‘Commercial Strategy’ that can then be performance managed to delive
r on the company’s overall goals. The course is split into two parts with
section one providing insights to the commercial working on a day to day
basis with time to discuss how this can work with our business. The second
half dives in deeper with the ‘Why’ we will win with the
commercial strategy\, ‘How’ to implement this and ‘ | \n
\nDr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah\n | \n|
Director & L ead Consultant Psychologist: Diversity & Inclusion expert and Educational Psychologist at Inclusion Psychologists Ltd with senior leadership experie nce and Board level leadership experience in the voluntary sector and publ ic sector. Experience as senior leader in education at Head of Service lev el leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams. Shungu has a doctorate i n emotional intelligence. She has recently developed the Six Stages Divers ity Conceptual framework. ( | \n|
\nShirle y Wardell\n | \n|
| \n
Thinking Environment Coach and Facilitator Trainer specialis ing in Leadership Development. A member of the Time to Think Faculty\, qua lified to deliver Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment courses. Experience i n Higher Education\, mostly for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Educa tion. ( n/shirley-wardell-47b2467/) | \n
\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\n
| \n|
\n | \nA Chart
ered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Cha
ir\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and n
on-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private\, publi
c and voluntary sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-nati
onal organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute o
f Directors. (
ty) \n | \n
Tickets: urse-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=202.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Chairman\,Corporate Governance\,D iversity and Inclusion\,Non-Executive Director X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=202 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Finance for Non-Finance Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Finance for Non-Finance Directors: Financial Business Managemen t Tools and Financial Business Concepts for Executive and Non-Executive Di rectors\nBeing an effective board member in the private\, public or volunt ary sector requires a firm grasp and an in depth understanding of a range of financial concepts and skills.\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are n eeded by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in order to disc harge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The complet ion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key elements of Manage ment Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also provide a sou nd theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire ne w and more advanced financial management skills.\nAttendees will gain a th orough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet ele ments of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confi dent and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, director s\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.\n\nWho should attend?\nExecutiv e and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors lo oking to understand more about company finance.\nCourse Content\n\nThe Thr ee Key Financial Statements\n\nCash Flow Statements: Importance of cash fl ow and Impact of credit and credit control\, Problems affecting cash flow\ , Dealing with Debtors and Creditors\nProfit & Loss Account\, Types of pro fit\, and Layout & use of the profit & loss account\nBalance Sheets: Asset s\; Liabilities\; Net current assets\, capital employed and how to interpr et the information\;\n\n\nRevenue and Capital Expenditure\n\nWhat are Capi tal and Revenue Expenditure\nPhasing of capital spend and its Implications for budget holders\n\n\nDepreciation\; Assets and liabilities\n\nWhat is Depreciation?\nThe Different types and uses\n\n\nForecasts and Budgets\n\n The purpose of forecasts for the business\nBudget objectives\nBudgetary Co ntrol as a management tool\nVariance analysis\n\n\nUsing Ratios to Support Investment Decisions\n\nReturn on Capital Employed (ROCE)\; Payback\; Int ernal Rate of Return (IRR)\; Net Present Value of assets (NPV)\nInvestment decisions and Return on Investment (ROI)\; Cost of capital\nGearing\, is the level of borrowing too risky?\nLiquidity\, could the company hit cash flow problems?\nProfitability\, how well is the company doing?\n\n\n\nLear ning Objectives\nThis half-day course enables participants to understand b etter\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and ta ctical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adoptin g and applying a decision making approach to management.\nBy the end of th is training course participants will be better able to:\n\nRead\, analyse and interpret any set of Financial Statements\, including the Balance Shee t\, the Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow statements\nUnderstand and quantify the impact of the fundamental accounting concepts and the chosen policies upon any set of accounts\nRecognise and understand the underlyin g impact of the generally accepted accounting principles and policies on a ny Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account\nUnderstand the key differences between statutory published accounts and the internal monthly management accounts\nIdentify and discuss the key financial issues facing an organisa tion\nUnderstand the wider commercial impact of any business decision and its interaction with non-financial aspects of the organisation\, enabling you to make a better contribution to key discussions and decision making a mongst managers and within the organisation\nUnderstand the basics of budg ets and the implementation of budgeting processes\nValue any business usin g commonly used and widely accepted valuation techniques such as Net Asset Value\, Enterprise Value and EBITDA\nCommunicate more effectively and eas ily with Finance Directors\, and other Finance professionals\; through an in depth understanding of financial terminology\, management and evaluatio n techniques.\n\nCourse Leader:\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1/2 day\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference\nPrice\n£250. 00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*\n\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book you r place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes refre shments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiab le CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements o f most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors \, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered In stitute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful co mpletion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confir ming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outco mes and results.\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions \nMembers of Chartered Directir\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new win dow)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on What sApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDw orks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; th e network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and V oluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Ti ckets: /. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210226T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210226T153000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Finance for Non-Finance Directors – Interactive Video Course Friday 26 February 2021 URL: e-video-course-friday-26-february-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?w=150&resize=150%2C&ssl=1\;1 50\;150\;1\,medium\; 2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?w=300&resize=300%2C&ssl=1\;300\;19 9\;1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n
This course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management is sues and concepts that are needed by successful Executive and Non-Executiv e Directors in order to discharge their duties and responsibilities as a c ompany director. The completion of this course will provide a good grasp o f the key elements of Management Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts . It will also provide a sound theoretical financial knowledge base upon w hich to build and acquire new and more advanced financial management skill s.
\nAttendees will gain a thorough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet elements of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your o rganisation. You will be more confident and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, directors\, investors\, suppliers and key clien ts.
\nExecutive and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors looking to understand more about company finance.
\nThis half -day course enables participants to understand better\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and tactical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allo w participants to be more effective when adopting and applying a decision making approach to management.
\nDuration: 1/2 day
\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference
\n£250.00 (ex VAT)<
br />\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (
ex VAT)
\nPartner D
iscount Price
\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*
B ook Now
\nTo see cour
se dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
The fee i ncludes refreshments and a copy of the course handbook
\nAtt endance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning w hich count towards the requirements of most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors\, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful completion of the course\, you will rec eive an electronic Certificate confirming that you have successfully compl eted the course\, detailing the outcomes and results.
\n*Discounts on Excellencia c ourse fees are available for:
\nTickets: or-non-finance-directors/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Finance\,No n-Executive Director X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: ectors/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference \nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n NEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dat es and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAtten dance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n \nShare this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Summar yArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Priva te\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Ente rprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n Davi d Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210317T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210317T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Video Course 17 March 2021 URL: -course-17-march-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2014/06/NED1-e1403709558124-300x149.png?w=150&resize=150%2C&ssl=1\;1 50\;150\;1\,medium\; 2014/06/NED1-e1403709558124-300x149.png?w=300&resize=300%2C&ssl=1\;300\;14 9\;1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Di rector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED po sition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed a t aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilit ies\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non -Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees. p>\n
This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportuni ties\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dil igence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importanc e of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executiv e directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induct ion and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who
are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a no
n-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director
What to expect?< /span>
\nCourse objectives
ipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nDuration: 1 day
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price£320.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Book Now
\nTo s
ee course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Regi
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a c
opy of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hour s of structured learning
Tickets: https://excellen
< /HTML> X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ve-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom\n\n\n\nA practical int eractive video course for Chairs and Board members\nIf you are wondering h ow you can promote diversity and inclusion on your Board then the Diversit y and Inclusion in the Boardroom 1-day interactive video course will provi de you with an essential overview of what is involved together with practi cal steps that can be taken to help you to achieve a more diverse and incl usive board.\nThis course is aimed at Chairs and Board members in the priv ate\, public and voluntary sectors including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterpris es\, Local Authorities\, School and College Governors and Charity Trustees looking to reflect on the impact of current issues on racial equity and w orking in order to promote diversity and inclusion on their boards and in their organisations.\n\nWho should attend?\n\nChairs and Board members in the private\, public and voluntary sectors including NHS Trusts\, Social E nterprises\, Local Authorities\, School and College Governors and Charity Trustees.\nWhat to expect?\n\nAn overview of the core principles and essen tial knowledge about the impact of diversity and inclusion in society and on organisations.\nIdentification of the challenges faced by Boards in the area of Diversity and Inclusion and an exploration of the various ways in which Executive and Non-Executive Directors can contribute to these issue s\nPractical guidance on how Board members can make positive contributions to a board’s work by embracing diversity and diversity of thought\n\nCour se objectives\nParticipants will gain the fundamental knowledge / terminol ogy to interact at Board level whilst considering the key impact of these issues on Boards and within organisations.\nThere will be opportunities to explore recruitment and selection processes\, induction and how Boards ca n implement diversity and inclusion principles\nCourse Leaders:\nDr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah\n\nDirector & Lead Consultant Psychologist: Diversity & In clusion expert and Educational Psychologist at Inclusion Psychologists Ltd with senior leadership experience and Board level leadership experience i n the voluntary sector and public sector. Experience as senior leader in e ducation at Head of Service level leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams. (\nShirley Wardell\n\nThinking Environment Coach and Facilitator Trainer specialising in Leadership Devel opment. A member of the Time to Think Faculty\, qualified to deliver Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment courses. Experience in Higher Education\, mo stly for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education ( hirley-wardell-47b2467/)\n\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\n\nChartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepren eur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive e xperience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. H e is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a C hartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. . (linkedin.c om/in/daviddoughty)\n\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation: Zoom Vi deo Conference\nPrice\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £320.0 0 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*\nBook Now\nTo see co urse dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registrati on\nThe fee includes a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 6 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellenci a course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 membe rs of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Chartered Director\n\nCou rses can be delivered ‘in-house’ to a single board – to find out more cont act or call 01437 731 161\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShare t his:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Linke dIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)C lick to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Su mmaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWel come to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of P rivate\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: tration/?action=evregister&event_id=197. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210324T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210324T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom – Video Course Wednesday 2 4 March 2021 URL: eo-course-friday-24-march-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; s/2015/07/boardroom-e1433355265381.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1\;150\;150\;1 \,medium\; oom-e1433355265381.jpg?fit=300%2C200&ssl=1\;300\;200\;1\,large\;https://i2 pg?fit=695%2C463&ssl=1\;695\;463\;1\,full\; wp-content/uploads/2015/07/boardroom-e1433355265381.jpg?fit=1144%2C762&ssl =1\;1144\;762\; X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nIf you are wondering how you can promote diversity and inclus ion on your Board then the Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom 1-day interactive video course will provide you with an essential overview of wh at is involved together with practical steps that can be taken to help you to achieve a more diverse and inclusive board.
\nThis course is aim ed at Chairs and Board members in the private\, public and voluntary secto rs including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Local Authorities\, School and College Governors and Charity Trustees looking to reflect on the impac t of current issues on racial equity and working in order to promote diver sity and inclusion on their boards and in their organisations.
\nChairs an d Board members in the private\, public and voluntary sectors including NH S Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, Local Authorities\, School and College Gov ernors and Charity Trustees.
\nParticipants will gain the fundamental knowledge / terminology to interact at Board level whilst considering the key impact o f these issues on Boards and within organisations.
\nThere will be o pportunities to explore recruitment and selection processes\, induction an d how Boards can implement diversity and inclusion principles
\nDirecto r & Lead Consultant Psychologist: Diversity & Inclusion expert and Educati onal Psychologist at Inclusion Psychologists Ltd with senior leadership ex perience and Board level leadership experience in the voluntary sector and public sector. Experience as senior leader in education at Head of Servic e level leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams. ( /)
\nT hinking Environment Coach and Facilitator Trainer specialising in Leadersh ip Development. A member of the Time to Think Faculty\, qualified to deliv er Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment courses. Experience in Higher Educat ion\, mostly for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education ( ley-wardell-47b2467/)
\n\nChartered Director and highly experienced No n-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and me dium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level c onsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassa dor for the Institute of Directors. . (
\nDuration: 1 day
\nLocation: Zoom Video C
\n£350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £320.00 (ex VAT)
Partner Discount Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)*
B ook Now
\nTo see course dates and to book your place now fo
llow this link:
\nCourse Registration<
The fee includes a copy of the course handbook
\n< p>Attendance counts as 6 verifiable CPD hours of structured learni ng\n*Discounts on Excellencia course f ees are available for:
\nCourses can be delivered ‘in-h ouse’ to a single board – to find out more contact or call 01437 731 161
\nTickets: n=evregister&event_id=197.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Diversity a nd Inclusion\,Non-Executive Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: =evregister&event_id=197 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Director's Duties CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:The Director’s duties\, roles and responsibilities course provi des an essential overview of what is required of a company director togeth er with practical steps that can be taken to ensure that the demands are c omplied with.\nThis half-day course is aimed at aspiring or newly appointe d directors and covers key knowledge about legal duties\, roles\, responsi bilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for an effective board appointment. It also considers up to date thinking on c orporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and emp loyees.\n\nWho should attend?\nAspiring\, newly appointed or current direc tors of companies including owner-managed companies or family businesses i n the private\, public and voluntary sector.\nWhat to expect?\n\nAn in-dep th view of the key duties\, roles and legal responsibilities of directors\ , corporate governance and the role of the board\nAn appreciation of the c rucial differences between management\, direction and ownership\nPractical guidance on avoiding or dealing with conflicts of interest\n\nCourse obje ctives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge t o:\n\nClarify the board’s role\, purpose and key tasks\nUnderstand the leg al status of a company\nUnderstand the roles directors play and key direct or relationships in different types of company and context\nExamine the bo ard's corporate governance role\nDefine the legal duties and liabilities o f individual directors and the board\n\nCourse Leader:\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive expe rience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He i s also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Char tered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1/2 day\n10:00 to 15:00\nLocati on:\nZoom Video Conference\nPrice\n£250.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price £195.00 (ex VAT)*\n\nBook N ow\nTo see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:\nCour se Registration\nThe fee includes refreshments and a copy of the course ha ndbook\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning \n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 me mbers of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions\nMembers of Char tered Director\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to sh are on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Ex ecutive Director networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for N on-Executive Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Gov ernors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https:// DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210426T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210426T153000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Director’s Duties\, Roles and Responsibilities – Interactive Remote Access Course 26 April 2021 URL: interactive-remote-access-course-26-april-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2015/07/boardroom-e1433355265381-300x200.jpg?w=150&resize=150%2C&ssl =1\;150\;150\;1\,medium\; oads/2015/07/boardroom-e1433355265381-300x200.jpg?w=300&resize=300%2C&ssl= 1\;300\;200\;1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nThis half- day course is aimed at aspiring or newly appointed directors and covers ke y knowledge about legal duties\, roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and c orporate governance that are key foundations for an effective board appoin tment. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and t he responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.
\nAspi ring\, newly appointed or current directors of companies including owner-m anaged companies or family businesses in the private\, public and voluntar y sector.
\nParticipation on this course will prov ide you with the knowledge to:
tion: 1/2 day
\n10:00 to 15:00
\nZoom Video Conference
\n£250.00 (ex
\nPayment with Booking Price £22
0.00 (ex VAT)
tner Discount Price £195.00 (ex VAT)*
Boo k Now
\nTo see course
dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
The fee inc ludes refreshments and a copy of the course handbook
\nAtten dance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning
\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:
\nTickets: tion/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Chairman\,Corporate Governance\,E xecutive Director\,Non-Executive Director X-COST:£250.00 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:How to become a Non-Executive Director CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Find out how you can obtain a Non-Executive Director position b y booking a place on this interactive 1-day course.\n'As an introduction t o the world of NED's this course is well structured to give an honest and practical insight in to how to identify and prepare for a move in this dir ection. Money well spent!'\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Euro pe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom\nThe How to become a Non-E xecutive Director course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED position. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how yo u can meet the challenge.\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed at asp iring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilities\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non-Exec utive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate gover nance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees.\nThis is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportunities\, the p rocess of obtaining a first appointment and performing due diligence befor e any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importance of present ing your experiences with clarity and relevance.\nThis course identifies t he various ways and circumstances in which non-executive directors can mak e an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods fo r their selection and reviews their motivation\, induction and reward.\n\n Who should attend?\nIndividuals who are currently a non-executive director \; those seeking appointment as a non-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director.\nWhat to expect?\n\nClarifies how an d why non-executive directors can strengthen a board\nProvides practical g uidance on how best to secure an appointment as a non-executive director\n \nCourse objectives\nParticipation on this course will provide you with th e knowledge to:\n\nClarify the board's role\, purpose and key tasks\nAppre ciate the contributions that non-executive directors can make to the board in different types of company and situations\nRecognise the qualities and experience needed to fulfil a non-executive director appointment\nAppreci ate appropriate methods for finding\, selecting\, appointing and rewarding non-executive directors\nUnderstand the preparation required to interview for or be interviewed for the post of non-executive director\n\nCourse Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is delivered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive\, Chief Executiv e\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executiv e and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Dir ectors. See his LinkedIn profile here: ( ghty)\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1 day\nLocation:\nZoom\nVideo Conference \nPrice\n £350.00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price\n£320.00 (ex VAT)\n NEDworks Tier1 Member Price\n£295.00 (ex VAT)\nBook Now\nTo see course dat es and to book your place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a copy of the course handbook\nAtten dance counts as 6 CPD hours of structured learning\n\n\n\n\n \n\nShare thi s:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedI n (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Cli ck to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...Summ aryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Director networkDescriptionWelco me to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executive Directors and Chairs of Pri vate\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards including NHS Trusts\, Social En terprises\, School and College Governors\, and Charity Trustees.Author\n Da vid Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: a-non-executive-director/. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210623T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210623T163000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:How to become a Non-Executive Director – Remote Access Course 23 Ju ne 2021 URL: e-access-course-23-june-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2014/06/NED1-e1403709558124-300x149.png?w=150&resize=150%2C&ssl=1\;1 50\;150\;1\,medium\; 2014/06/NED1-e1403709558124-300x149.png?w=300&resize=300%2C&ssl=1\;300\;14 9\;1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nJohn Cooper\, Vice President\, North West Europe at Weber-Stephen Products LLC United Kingdom
\nThe How to become a Non-Executive Di rector course helps you to plan and prepare for your first NED po sition. It instils a real sense of what is expected of NEDs\, and how you can meet the challenge.
\nThis one-day interactive course is aimed a t aspiring NEDs and covers essential knowledge about roles\, responsibilit ies\, strategy and corporate governance that are key foundations for a Non -Executive board role. It also considers up to date thinking on corporate governance and the responsibilities of owners\, the board and employees. p>\n
This is followed by practical sessions on identifying NED opportuni ties\, the process of obtaining a first appointment and performing due dil igence before any position is accepted. There is emphasis on the importanc e of presenting your experiences with clarity and relevance.
\nThis course identifies the various ways and circumstances in which non-executiv e directors can make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation\, induct ion and reward.
\nWho should attend?
\nIndividuals who
are currently a non-executive director\; those seeking appointment as a no
n-executive director and those looking to appoint a non-executive director
What to expect?< /span>
\nCourse objectives
ipation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:
Course Le ader: David Doughty CDir FIoD
\nDuration: 1 day
\n £350.00 (ex VAT)
\nPayment with Booking Price£320.00 (ex VAT)
NEDworks Tier1 Member Price
\n£295.00 (ex VAT)
span style='color: #0000ff\;'>Book Now
\nTo s
ee course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Regi
\nThe fee includes lunch\, refreshments and a c
opy of the course handbook
Attendance counts as 6 CPD hour s of structured learning
Ticke ts: courses/how-to-become-a-non-executive-director/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Non-Executi ve Director X-COST:£350 (ex VAT) discounts available X-TICKETS-URL: ve-director/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210903T120715Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Finance for Non-Finance Directors CONTACT:Debbie Wright\; 01437 731 161\;\; h ttps:// DESCRIPTION:Finance for Non-Finance Directors: Financial Business Managemen t Tools and Financial Business Concepts for Executive and Non-Executive Di rectors\nBeing an effective board member in the private\, public or volunt ary sector requires a firm grasp and an in depth understanding of a range of financial concepts and skills.\nThis course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management issues and concepts that are n eeded by successful Executive and Non-Executive Directors in order to disc harge their duties and responsibilities as a company director. The complet ion of this course will provide a good grasp of the key elements of Manage ment Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts. It will also provide a sou nd theoretical financial knowledge base upon which to build and acquire ne w and more advanced financial management skills.\nAttendees will gain a th orough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet ele ments of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your organisation. You will be more confi dent and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, director s\, investors\, suppliers and key clients.\n\nWho should attend?\nExecutiv e and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors lo oking to understand more about company finance.\nCourse Content\n\nThe Thr ee Key Financial Statements\n\nCash Flow Statements: Importance of cash fl ow and Impact of credit and credit control\, Problems affecting cash flow\ , Dealing with Debtors and Creditors\nProfit & Loss Account\, Types of pro fit\, and Layout & use of the profit & loss account\nBalance Sheets: Asset s\; Liabilities\; Net current assets\, capital employed and how to interpr et the information\;\n\n\nRevenue and Capital Expenditure\n\nWhat are Capi tal and Revenue Expenditure\nPhasing of capital spend and its Implications for budget holders\n\n\nDepreciation\; Assets and liabilities\n\nWhat is Depreciation?\nThe Different types and uses\n\n\nForecasts and Budgets\n\n The purpose of forecasts for the business\nBudget objectives\nBudgetary Co ntrol as a management tool\nVariance analysis\n\n\nUsing Ratios to Support Investment Decisions\n\nReturn on Capital Employed (ROCE)\; Payback\; Int ernal Rate of Return (IRR)\; Net Present Value of assets (NPV)\nInvestment decisions and Return on Investment (ROI)\; Cost of capital\nGearing\, is the level of borrowing too risky?\nLiquidity\, could the company hit cash flow problems?\nProfitability\, how well is the company doing?\n\n\n\nLear ning Objectives\nThis half-day course enables participants to understand b etter\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and ta ctical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allow participants to be more effective when adoptin g and applying a decision making approach to management.\nBy the end of th is training course participants will be better able to:\n\nRead\, analyse and interpret any set of Financial Statements\, including the Balance Shee t\, the Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow statements\nUnderstand and quantify the impact of the fundamental accounting concepts and the chosen policies upon any set of accounts\nRecognise and understand the underlyin g impact of the generally accepted accounting principles and policies on a ny Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account\nUnderstand the key differences between statutory published accounts and the internal monthly management accounts\nIdentify and discuss the key financial issues facing an organisa tion\nUnderstand the wider commercial impact of any business decision and its interaction with non-financial aspects of the organisation\, enabling you to make a better contribution to key discussions and decision making a mongst managers and within the organisation\nUnderstand the basics of budg ets and the implementation of budgeting processes\nValue any business usin g commonly used and widely accepted valuation techniques such as Net Asset Value\, Enterprise Value and EBITDA\nCommunicate more effectively and eas ily with Finance Directors\, and other Finance professionals\; through an in depth understanding of financial terminology\, management and evaluatio n techniques.\n\nCourse Leader:\nDavid Doughty CDir FIoD\nThe course is de livered by David Doughty\, a Chartered Director and highly experienced Non -Executive\, Chief Executive\, Chair\, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. D avid has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and med ium enterprises in private and public sectors. He is also a board level co nsultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassad or for the Institute of Directors. See his LinkedIn profile here:\n\n\nKey Details\nDuration: 1/2 day\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference\nPrice\n£250. 00 (ex VAT)\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (ex VAT)\nPartner Discount Price\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*\n\nBook Now\nTo see course dates and to book you r place now follow this link:\nCourse Registration\nThe fee includes refre shments and a copy of the course handbook\nAttendance counts as 3 verifiab le CPD hours of structured learning which count towards the requirements o f most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors \, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered In stitute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful co mpletion of the course\, you will receive an electronic Certificate confir ming that you have successfully completed the course\, detailing the outco mes and results.\n\n\n*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:\n\nTier1 members of NEDworks\nTier1 members of Executive Transitions \nMembers of Chartered Directir\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShare this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new win dow)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Face book (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Like this:Like Loading...SummaryArticle NameNEDworks the Non-Executive Dir ector networkDescriptionWelcome to NEDworks\; the network for Non-Executiv e Directors and Chairs of Private\, Public and Voluntary sector Boards inc luding NHS Trusts\, Social Enterprises\, School and College Governors\, an d Charity Trustees.Author\n David Doughty\n \n \n Tickets: https://excellencia DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210720T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210720T153000 LOCATION:Zoom Video Conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Finance for Non-Finance Directors – Interactive Video Course Tuesda y 20 July 2021 URL: e-video-course-tuesday-20-july-2021/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; loads/2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?w=150&resize=150%2C&ssl=1\;1 50\;150\;1\,medium\; 2012/12/financial-documents-300x199.jpg?w=300&resize=300%2C&ssl=1\;300\;19 9\;1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n
This course will provide the essential knowledge of those key financial management is sues and concepts that are needed by successful Executive and Non-Executiv e Directors in order to discharge their duties and responsibilities as a c ompany director. The completion of this course will provide a good grasp o f the key elements of Management Accounts and Statutory Financial Accounts . It will also provide a sound theoretical financial knowledge base upon w hich to build and acquire new and more advanced financial management skill s.
\nAttendees will gain a thorough understanding of the Cashflow\, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet elements of Management Accounts. You will become more involved with all types of financial discussions within your o rganisation. You will be more confident and comfortable when communicating with financial managers\, directors\, investors\, suppliers and key clien ts.
\nExecutive and Non-Executive Directors\, senior executives or aspiring directors looking to understand more about company finance.
\nThis half -day course enables participants to understand better\, the key attributes and approaches that underpin a strategic and tactical financial approach to management and help to develop the key skills and styles that will allo w participants to be more effective when adopting and applying a decision making approach to management.
\nDuration: 1/2 day
\nLocation: Zoom Video Conference
\n£250.00 (ex VAT)<
br />\nPayment with Booking Price £220.00 (
ex VAT)
\nPartner D
iscount Price
\n£195.00 (ex VAT)*
B ook Now
\nTo see cour
se dates and to book your place now follow this link:
\nCourse Registration
The fee i ncludes refreshments and a copy of the course handbook
\nAtt endance counts as 3 verifiable CPD hours of structured learning w hich count towards the requirements of most business focussed institutes\, including the Institute of Directors\, the Institute of Consulting\, the Chartered Management Institute\, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales\, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and many others. After successful completion of the course\, you will rec eive an electronic Certificate confirming that you have successfully compl eted the course\, detailing the outcomes and results.
\n*Discounts on Excellencia c ourse fees are available for:
\nTickets: ors/.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:Board of Directors\,Corporate Governance\,Finance\,No n-Executive Director X-COST:£250 (ex VAT) discounts are available X-TICKETS-URL: ectors/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR