Independent Board Member - Bournemouth University
Recruiter: Bournemouth University
Location: Bournemouth
Salary: Voluntary (expenses paid)
Posted: 09 Apr 2021
Closes: 31 May 2021
Job Function: Board Member
Industry: Education
Bournemouth University and the Board
BU is a successful, modern institution and celebrated a number of league table ranking rises during 2020. We continue to progress our BU2025 strategy which has at its heart the bringing together of research, education and professional practice to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Further information about our strategic plan is available here where you can also find out how we work with our students at the centre of everything we do.
The Board oversees the strategic development of the university and ensures the effective use of resources. The Board is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the Public Interest Governance Principles.
Who we are looking for
To help us build upon our success and deliver our strategy we are seeking to appoint several exceptional individuals to join our Board during 2021. These are exciting opportunities for those who are able to contribute at a strategic level.
We are particularly keen to hear from you if you have either of the following specialist skills:
- Higher Education - knowledge of operating in a regulated environment and an excellent understanding of one or more of the following areas: academic quality and standards; student experience; graduate employability; research impact and professional practice;
- Current financial/accounting qualification and experience.
The Role of Independent Board Member
By joining our Board, you will be expected to make constructive contributions to debate and to make your knowledge and expertise available to the Board as the opportunity arises. All our Board Members are Charity Trustees of an exempt charity and therefore you will have the responsibilities and potential liabilities that go with Trustee status. All Board Members are also expected to sign a declaration to confirm that they fulfil the requirements of a ‘fit and proper’ person as set by our regulator, the Office for Students.
The approximate overall time commitment is 12 days per annum with Board meetings typically taking place on a Friday morning. This time commitment may increase depending on any subsequent appointment to one or more of the Board’s sub-committees. Membership of the Board is not remunerated, but reasonable expenses incurred in the course of BU business will be reimbursed. The initial term of appointment is 3 years which may be extended upon the recommendation of the Nominations Committee by another 3 years.
Interested applicants are encouraged to consider the Board Member Role Description for further information.
How to apply
For informal enquiries please contact Deborah Wakely, Clerk to the Board, on [email protected].
Individuals with the required skills and knowledge are invited to complete an Application Form and submit it with their CV to [email protected] by the closing date of 31st May 2021. Access to the Application Form and further information about the role can be found at:
We are committed to increasing the diversity of our Board and welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates. BU values and is committed to an inclusive working environment. We seek a diverse community through attracting, developing and retaining individuals from different backgrounds to contribute to inspirational learning, advancing knowledge and enriching society.
We expect interviews to be conducted via video conferencing during June or July. The successful candidates will be asked to join the Board during the course of 2021 to replace retiring Members. All new Members will be provided with a thorough induction to the University, their Board Member responsibilities and higher education governance principles.

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