Feb 112021

Learn the Keys to a High Performing Board and Transformative Volunteer Leadership Experience

Join 3 jam-packed days how to make an impact as a volunteer or board director...all from the comfort of your home / remote office.

This Summit Is For...

  • Board members
  • ​Executive Directors and Presidents/ CEOs of:
  • Charitable organizations
  • ​Foundations
  • ​Nonprofits
  • ​Associations

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

  • How you can inspire sustained results and consistent buy-in from all Board Members...
  • Inspire action so everyone on the board sees an impact on your mission...
  • Discover how other boards have maximized the talents and experiences of skilled professionals like yourself to make for a rewarding and fulfilling experience...
  • You'll be able to propel a transformation in your community...
  • You want to give back and make a difference with something bigger than yourself...

Don't miss this exclusive professional conference where you can engage with the people who are really making things happen in the world and putting those ideas to work in your organization.

This is a comprehensive virtual summit on the topic of how non-profits can adapt and excel.


Sabrina Walker

Supporting World Hope, President & CEO

Mark A. Pfister

CEO & Chief Board Consultant

Mary Hiland, Ph.D.

Nonprofit Leaders to Create a Paradigm Shift

Kent Stroman

CFRE, is a Published Author

Sheri Chaney Jones

Founder of Measurement Resources & SureImpact

Bob Kovacevich

Certificate Program Instructor & Management

David Doughty

Director of Executive Transitions Network,

Jane Garthson

Board member & Interim Executive Director

Alice Cochran

Nonprofit Consultant

Julie Garland McLellan

CEO, The Director’s Dilemma

Margie Warrell

Special Keynote Speaker:

Feb 022021

Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom – Free Live Webinar

Thursday 25 February 2021 14:00 – 15:00

If you are interested in promoting diversity and inclusion on your Board then the Diversity and Inclusion in the Boardroom – Live Webinar will give you the opportunity to consider the following questions that need to be addressed in order to achieve a more diverse and inclusive board:

  • What are your board’s key challenges for 2021?
  • Is your board a safe place?
  • What does your board need to do to make it more diverse and inclusive?

This free, live webinar is aimed at Chairs and Board members in the private, public and voluntary sectors including NHS Trusts, Social Enterprises, Local Authorities, School and College Governors and Charity Trustees looking to reflect on the impact of current issues on racial equity and working in order to promote diversity and inclusion on their boards and in their organisations.

Join us on Thursday 25 February 2021 at 14:00 for this free, live, 60-minute Webinar, hosted by:

Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah

Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist: Diversity & Inclusion expert and Educational Psychologist at Inclusion Psychologists Ltd with senior leadership experience and Board level leadership experience in the voluntary sector and public sector. Experience as senior leader in education at Head of Service level leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams. Shungu has a doctorate in emotional intelligence. She has recently developed the Six Stages Diversity Conceptual framework. (linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/)

Shirley Wardell


Thinking Environment Coach and Facilitator Trainer specialising in Leadership Development. A member of the Time to Think Faculty, qualified to deliver Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment courses. Experience in Higher Education, mostly for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. (linkedin.com/in/shirley-wardell-47b2467/)

David Doughty CDir FIoD


A Chartered Director and highly experienced Non-Executive, Chief Executive, Chair, Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. David has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in private, public and voluntary sectors. He is also a board level consultant to multi-national organisations and a Chartered Director Ambassador for the Institute of Directors. (linkedin.com/in/daviddoughty)


Book your place on this free live webinar now

Join us on LinkedIn to start the discussion now




May 162019

Major Networking and Pitch Event in Central London 5:45pm Thursday 13th June 2019 - Stakeholderz

To celebrate and build on a successful start to 2019, Stakeholderz are running a networking and pitch event starting at 5:45pm on Thursday 13 June at the new SMAB offices in Central London. The event will bring together members of their investing community as well as featuring some 'advance state' ventures seeking growth and investment with their exclusive pool of senior executive talent and investors.

To secure your place – you can register here using the password: StakeholderzJune2019.

Stakeholderz will be recognising some of their most successful funding and talent achievements – including the amazing fund raise for Vortex IoT at the end of 2018 – and introducing you to the exciting new ventures and investors joining the Stakeholderz community.

Beacon Venture Pitch – (Pending roles - Lead Investor role, Chair, NED).

Beacon has just achieved over 50% of their current funding round. They are an adtech business whose technology can save users around 1/3 of wasted digital advertising spend. CEO Nigel Bridges will explain more about their offer, as well as share details of their future product road map, highlighting why Beacon is such a promising investment.

Preview of ventures currently in the Stakeholderz pre-funding listing process

  • SymVolli is a ground-breaking Enterprise Resource Planning solution with a key price advantage. The company has an interesting investor heritage and is about to raise a seed round to drive sales and further expansion.
  • Yousoft are currently involved in the customer retention programme for Porsche, as well as a significant number of other international clients which is testament to their valuable know-how.

Penny Power OBE

Penny Power OBE has just joined the Stakeholderz Advisory Board following an extensive business career as a dotcom pioneer – earning her an OBE for services to entrepreneurship in social and digital development.

Penny built the pre-cursor to LinkedIn, establishing huge numbers and demonstrating the phenomenal growth potential of the internet. She is a highly respected businesswoman, author, coach and mentor.

By video she will talk briefly about entrepreneurship, as well as Stakeholderz in the context of fund raising and investing.


David Martin is one of SMAB’s top commercial lawyers used by Stakeholderz. David will say a few words about the legal requirements associated with preparing a venture for investment as well as from an investor's point of view.

If you are an active investor and haven’t already done so, please register on the Stakeholderz platform. This gives you the first access to more information on all new ventures as they list with us.

The Stakeholderz model surrounds each venture with deep domain and senior executive expertise and talent as well as investment. They are looking for Lead Investors and Investing Directors to come forward and others who may be willing to take up the Chair, NED and Advisory Board appointments. Please contact Dermot Hill to discuss and attach an up-to-date CV.

For more information you can download their helpful and free ‘Guide to Investing’ or find out more about their programme with the UKBAA to bring more investors to this vibrant 'tech investing' market via this training course on ‘The Effective Angel Investor’.

Stakeholderz look forward to welcoming you to this event – register here to ensure your place.

Jun 112016

Managing business risks - how to avoid the icebergs

Iceberg"I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that".

Edward Smith, captain of the Titanic

"I could have closed down bits of British Home Stores to make more money but it's not my style. I want to make my money as a retailer, not by putting people out of work".

Sir Philip Green, former owner of BHS

"Hindsight is 20/20 vision" and "history repeats itself" are well-known mantras but they do not stop business leaders, boards and managers  making decisions which prove to be disastrous for the business.

In this thought provoking, interactive and practically-based half-day workshop, Andy Farrall explores how company directors and senior managers can take a proactive rather than reactive approach to critical management systems such as health & safety and avoid some common “management icebergs” that can otherwise result in commercial disaster.

Who should attend?

Company directors (executive and non-executive) and senior managers

What to expect?

  • —We’ll compare a tragedy from 104 years ago (the loss of the Titanic) with modern examples of lives being put at risk (and lost) by poor management practice. Have lessons been learned, or are the same mistakes being repeated?
  • —We’ll also look at the new penalties now in force for poor health & safety management. Are these punishments sufficient incentive for managers to do their job?
  • —And finally we’ll look at some examples of how effective planning can minimise the effects of sudden crises

Course objectives

Participation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Identify Management Icebergs
  • Overcome the dangers of complacency
  • Deal with flawed safety management systems
  • Understand the impact of the 2015 Sentencing Guidelines
  • Devise and implement Iceberg Management Strategies

Course Leader:


The course is delivered by Andy Farrell.

Andy has his own health & safety practice, Management & Safety Training Ltd, which in turn has its own specialist industrial accident investigation division, iNDAXCON. He is a highly experienced and internationally qualified investigator, consultant and trainer, qualified in both the health & safety and training sectors.

A Fellow of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management, a chartered safety & health practitioner (chartered both with IOSH in the UK and SIA in Australia) and a member of the UK Occupational Safety & Health Consultants Register (OSHCR), he has a proven track record in fields as diverse as accident investigation, lone worker safety, construction safety, and health & safety training.

Previously a specialist investigator with two élite UK law enforcement agencies (including responsibility for the management of complex international fraud enquiries) he became an accredited security trainer and assessor with the City of Bristol College. His move into the health & safety sector has included a wide range of training/ consultancy projects.

See his LinkedIn profile here: 

Key Details

Duration: 1/2 day
Location: Bristol

£165.00 (ex VAT)
Payment with Booking Price
£150.00 (ex VAT)
Partner Price*
£140.00 (ex VAT)

Book Now
To see course dates and to book your place now follow this link:
Course Registration

The fee includes refreshments and a copy of the course handbook

Attendance counts as 3 CPD hours of structured learning

Courses can be delivered 'in-house' to a group of Non-Executive Directors - to find out more contact courses@excellencia.co.uk or call 01173 827 820

*Discounts on Excellencia course fees are available for:

Jan 182016

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?fit=300%2C200&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?fit=695%2C464&ssl=1" data-lazy-srcset="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=96%2C96&ssl=1 96w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=24%2C24&ssl=1 24w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=36%2C36&ssl=1 36w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=48%2C48&ssl=1 48w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?resize=64%2C64&ssl=1 64w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?zoom=2&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/20542832711_0870cd15b2_o.jpg?zoom=3&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 450w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" srcset=""/>

IoD Bucks & Milton Keynes Directors Briefing with David Doughty at Hartwell - "Have you got what it takes to be a Non-Executive Director?"

Location: Hartwell House Date: 25 February 2016 Time: 07:30 - 09:30

David Doughty non-executive director

Email Event Bookings
Price shown exclude VAT unless otherwise stated.

Member price: £25.00 +VAT Non-member price: £30.00 +VAT
Book tickets

If you’ve ever wanted to find out more about the opportunities offered by taking up a Non-Executive Director position, as well as how to find one and whether you’d be suited to the role – now’s your chance!  David Doughty – a Chartered Director and CEO of Excellencia - will give you the highlights in a lively breakfast session at Hartwell House.

David has a wealth of experience from his current role as CEO of Excellencia

  • working with boards and their directors to help them to be more effective
  • to his time as Chief Executive of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership.

This breakfast session is an opportunity to explore the realities of NED positions, deal with a few myths about the status of NEDs and see how you would respond to some typical scenarios, were you to be a NED on a company’s board. It will surely make for a fascinating start to the day!

This event qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours.

Location: Hartwell House     Date: 25 February 2016    Time: 07:30 - 09:30

Jan 182016

IoD Oxfordshire Directors Briefing with David Doughty at Blenheim Palace - "Have you got what it takes to be a Non-Executive Director?"

Location: Blenheim Palace Date: 10 February 2016 Time: 07:30 - 09:30

Email Event Bookings
Price shown exclude VAT unless otherwise stated.

Member price: £30.00 + VAT     Non-member price: £36.00 + VAT

If you’ve ever wanted to find out more about the opportunities offered by taking up a Non-Executive Director position, as well as how to find one and whether you’d be suited to the role – now’s your chance!  David Doughty – a Chartered Director and CEO of Excellencia - will give you the highlights in a lively breakfast session at Blenheim Palace.David has a wealth of experience from his current role as CEO of Excellencia

  • working with boards and their directors to help them to be more effective
  • to his time as Chief Executive of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership.

This breakfast session is an opportunity to explore the realities of NED positions, deal with a few myths about the status of NEDs and see how you would respond to some typical scenarios, were you to be a NED on a company’s board. It will surely make for a fascinating start to the day!

This event qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours.

Location: Blenheim Palace     Date: 10 February 2016    Time: 07:30 - 09:30

Jul 142015


How to become a leader: from Financial Professional to...Wednesday, 16 September 2015 from 19:00 to 21:30 (BST)

London, United Kingdom

Ticket Information

NEDworks Tier1 Members 16 Sep 2015 £149.00 £0.00
General Admission 16 Sep 2015 £289.00 £0.00
NEDonBoard Member 16 Sep 2015 Free £0.00

May 142015

" data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GBR.png?fit=300%2C40&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GBR.png?fit=695%2C92&ssl=1" data-lazy-srcset="https://i2.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GBR.png?resize=150%2C130&ssl=1 150w, https://i2.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GBR.png?zoom=2&resize=150%2C130&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GBR.png?zoom=3&resize=150%2C130&ssl=1 450w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" srcset=""/>

Going it alone as an Independent Director

GBRThe Great British Workforce Revolution conference is a must-attend event for Independent Directors, value-added Business Angels and cashed-out entrepreneurs who are interested in finding out how to prosper in the ever-evolving Independent Executive recruitment landscape.

GBR banner1
In light of the recent discovery that nearly half of the UK working population are not full-time employees - thus being left almost entirely to find their own work and their own contracts - this Conference aims to understand, explore and seek out the opportunities available to this increasingly popular dynamic of independent working.

The Great British Workforce Revolution conference is the only live event in the UK focused on bringing hundreds of senior level executives together in one day and in one place, alongside the key influencers in the executive recruitment industry. Come along to hear from industry experts, gain educational insight, participate in exciting debates, enjoy quality networking and hear from some excellent keynote speakers.

This year's event will be taking place on 3rd June at Dexter House, No 2 Royal Mint Court, Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4QN.

Take a look around our event website, and please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about the 2015 Workforce Revolution, or visit our registration page to BOOK YOUR TICKET TODAY!

GBR banner2 (1)

This year we are offering the option to purchase a 1:1 consultation with a Russam GMS Principal in addition to your ticket. This session may include CV help, career planning, sourcing NED and Trustee work, and/or an introduction to Interim Management work.

£25 of the ticket price for these consultation sessions will be donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. This charity directly supports cutting edge research to help find a cure for this terrible disease.


The Great British Workforce Revolution - 3rd June, 9.00am-5.00pm




Introductions from Chair of the Day - MODWENNA REES-MOGG


Welcome from Headline Sponsor - STEVE GILROY, CEO of Vistage


Opening Keynote Speaker - ROS ALTMANN


Special Debate 1: The next 20 years - your time, your opportunity

How are you going to maximise your opportunities in the next two decades?  In this vital debate you will learn from the experts how to make the most money and get the highest levels of satisfaction from your work and why a plural or portfolio career can be the best way to both earn and build wealth.

Panel: Stuart Lucas (Asset Match)




We need you! – 5 minute presentations from SME's looking to hire senior level expertise


Special engagement session with VISTAGE: From Success to Significance - Practical Steps to Build Your Portfolio Career

With a revolution taking place in the world of work it's critical people know what they want from their next career stage and how to get it. This session will give you some practical advice that can help you on the way to achieving greater career satisfaction - whatever you're looking to do next.


Special Debate 2: Passport to Export

It's not only British goods that are global brands.  Our senior management skills are too. Never have British interims, consultants and C level directors been more in demand outside the UK, picking up the most lucrative contracts acros the globe.  In this special session led by Jason Atkinson of Russam GMS we will reveal where the most exciting opportunities are to be found and how to win them for yourself.




Introductions from Chair of the Day


Keynote Speaker


Special Debate 3: £2,000 Tuesdays; £5,000 Fridays

Experts from the world of investment will explain how to generate an income of between £2,000 and £5,000 a day to replace the money you would otherwise have earned from working

Panel: Camilla Shaughnessy (Eventful Stays), Alex Stephany (JustPark), Mattioli Woods






Audience Discussion: What's wrong with my CV?

In the past your cv counted for everything, but in today’s rapidly changing world where references may not be taken up (after all you have been checked out on LinkedIn(!)) this interactive session will discuss how you position yourself so that you can maximise your earning potential through having the right attitude, degree of enthusiasm and level of commitment to your future employer. 

Panel: David Burdon (Simply Clicks)


Special Debate 4: Board not bored - where the best executive and non executive opportunities will be found for high flyers

Experts from leading head hunters will share with you the tips and techniques you should be using to guarantee yourself a successful board level career. There will be a special focus on issues such as quoted vs unquoted board positions and the role a Charity Trusteeship will play in your portfolio.

Panel: Tom Attenborough (London Stock Exchange), Oliver Woolley (Envestors)


Special Debate 5:  Cracking Venture Capital

With some of the best opportunities for experienced executives coming from the Venture Capital community, in this debate we will discuss everything from becoming a candidate that VCs or their portfolio companies want to hire, through to how to raise funding for a business you are working in. 


Closing Keynote Speaker - KRESSE WESLING






Apr 282014

The Great British Workforce Revolution is a one day conference for portfolio directors, NEDs and senior executives that want to learn more about making the most from their portfolio career.

Wednesday 4 June 2014 9:00am to 4:00pm Dexter House, London

Covering topics such as the changing nature of retirement, MBOs, making money outside your portfolio and how crowd sourcing is changing recruitment, this is the must attend event for any one considering their next career move.

Join us on Wednesday 4 June 2014 for the second Great British Workforce Revolution conference which is a day celebrating the people like you, who are leading the changes in how we think about work and rewards in the 21st Century.

Book your place now!

Think about these compelling reasons why you should attend:

  • How to spot and win the elite opportunities in business
  • How to generate the money and capital you desire during your own portfolio career
  • Meet other people thinking and working just like you – and share real-life experiences in a market that is changing for the better. 
  • Sign on for End-of-Conference Q&A Sessions with the Russam GMS Principals – a unique opportunity to learn from the most experience Interim Management Practitioners in the UK – and other Independents in the Session.
  • Why you can't, mustn't and won't retire .
  • Four Special Debates – with specialist experts on the Panels - on key success areas including MBOs and MBIs (either doing them or advising on them), the changing nature, flexibility and landscape of what can be euphemistically referred to as “retirement” and how technology is changing and, some say, killing -  traditional headhunting methods.
  • Finally, how to look beyond the traditional boundaries of Interim Management – and into new opportunity areas

 Listen to acknowledged experts in their field:

  • Simon Woodroffe, founder of YO! Group,
  • Gerald Ratner who pulled himself back from the brink after his "prawn sandwiches" debacle in the early 1990's
  • Organisations who understand the way you like to work - and invest, including leading venture capital firm NVM Private Equity, AIM advisor and broker Daniel Stewart, crowdlender FundingKnight, executive membership group Vistage, Blue Sky Corporate Finance and others.
  • Along with live pitches from fast-growth companies looking for top talent and keynote speakers.

See the latest Programme



Supported By:


Mar 142014

pitching for management

Get involved with an exciting new business at Pitching for Management on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 from 18:00 to 21:30 (GMT)

Nabarro LLP
84 Theobalds Road
WC1X 8RW London
United Kingdom
View Map

Attend Event


  • The sector we work in is Advertising, more specifically Experiential MarketingWe are looking for someone(s) who can help us grow the business through hands on advice (not a full time requirement) but industry contacts and the opportunity to bring in business is most important.
  • A Company with a new and engaging approach to learning emotional intelligence knowledge and insights using bite sized interactive modules. Each module includes 'mini drama' videos demonstrating how to deal with everyday workplace people challenges. This exciting and fast growing e-learning business are seeking to fill two roles to help them grow the business: 
    1. Marketing Head to develop a marketing plan and help execute it, primarily to:
      • Develop the value proposition for distributors
      • Raise awareness of the business in their market
      • Develop the company proposition for the US
    2. Technical Head/architect to create and build platform to deliver existing and new products.

    Working at their offices in Basingstoke and remotely the package can be a mix of sweat equity, commission and or exit fee.

  • We are creating the first premium brand craft distillery in the heart of Oxford City. The distillery complex will include a bar and restaurant and we will be using a locally grown 2000 year old organic Rye to ferment and distill our alcohol. (Vodka, Gin & Rye Whiskey) This will be a sustainable business and all the spent grain (still full of nutrition) will be picked up by local organic farmers each week to be used as animal feed. They in turn will give us preferential rates and cuts on the meat which will be used in our restaurant. With 9.5 million visitors to the city every year, our primary income in the first 2 years will be via distillery tours. At this time we are looking for a very cool GM to help us pull together the company structure, apply for licenses set up accounting systems and help us set achievable goals etc. I am interested in finding a great structured organiser who is a team player with possible background in hospitality, drink and luxury goods sectors. I am happy to consider all strong proposals. There is a budget for a wage from September, plus I will look at rev share and equity for the right person.

Click here for more information on all of the roles.

Book your ticket now so you don't miss out

At these events, exciting start-up and early-stage companies present their businesses to a room of individuals with the right skills to help them reach their next stage of growth. The roles available range from sales, marketing and finance board positions to mentorships, chair, CEO and non-executive director positions.

The roles on offer can be full or part time. Some offer paid remuneration and all packages offer additional rewards such as sweat equity, share options, commissions and bonuses.

If you think you could make a significant difference to a fast-growing company, then this is the event for you. The networking is also highly recommended.


18.00 : Registration & soft drinks

18.30 : Introductions Modwenna Rees-Mogg & Nabarro

18.35 : Speaker - Heather White - Non-Exec Hub

18.40 : Pitching Companies

19.10 : Break

19.20 : Speaker - Marks & Clerk

19.25 : Pitching Companies

20.00 : Networking and nibbles

21.30 : Finish

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