Feb 102021

Contact details - NHS Non-Executive Talent Appointments Team

The team offers a range of support and best practice advice on recruiting diverse people to NHS boards. They also provide NHS Chairs and Non-executive Directors (NEDs) with confidential advice on performance management and appraisals, induction and development and associated governance issues.

Contact details for the team, including areas of responsibility are included below:

Name Area Email Phone
Carolyn May Head of NED Talent and Appointments Team carolyn.may3@nhs.net 07710 978385
Ness Clarke Talent, development, various governance issues ness.clarke@nhs.net 0300 123 2063
Keely Howard Talent, development, chair & NED networks keely.howard1@nhs.net 0300 123 2054
Helen Barlow Appointments Team Manager (Recruitment) helen.barlow2@nhs.net 0300 123 2038
Miriam Walker NED Appointments Officer miriam.walker@nhs.net 0300 123 2059
Ann-Marie Drummond NED Appointments Officer annmarie.drummond@nhs.net 0300 123 2011
Mandy Reszczynski NED Appointments Officer amanda.reszczynski@nhs.net 0208 103 1317
Jun 292018

NHS Improvement - NHS Trust Chair and Non-Executive appointments

NHS Improvement has a specific role in appointing and supporting NHS Trust Chairs and Non-Executives. In the spirit of transparency they routinely publish the appointments they make.

If you have applied for an NHS Trust Chair or Non-Executive appointment in the previous year and were unsuccessful, you may be interested to see who was appointed - in many cases existing position holders were appointed either for a new 3-year term or to extend their current term.

If post application shortlisting or interview feedback is available then you shold always take it as it will help you when making your next application.

NHS Improvement’s Non-executive Appointments Team offers a range of support in finding and developing the very best chairs and non-executive directors for NHS provider boards. They appoint and support NHS Trust Chairs and Non-Executives. The power to make, suspend and terminate these ministerial appointments is delegated by the Secretary of State for Health.

The recruitment processes are conducted in accordance with the Cabinet Office's Governance Code on Public Appointments. Appointments are made on merit generally after a fair and open process so that the best people, from the widest possible pool of candidates are appointed.

The recent appointments are published below.

Further information on the individual appointees may be available on individual Trust's websites.

Oct 062016

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?fit=217%2C217&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?fit=217%2C217&ssl=1" data-lazy-srcset="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?w=217&ssl=1 217w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=200%2C200&ssl=1 200w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=96%2C96&ssl=1 96w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=24%2C24&ssl=1 24w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=36%2C36&ssl=1 36w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=48%2C48&ssl=1 48w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Irene-Campbel2.jpg?resize=64%2C64&ssl=1 64w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" srcset=""/>

It is always great to hear from NEDworks members!

I recently received this e-mail from a NEDworks subscriber:

Hi Debbie,

You advertised a trusteeship at the Cats Protection a couple of months ago. I just wanted to thank you as I got it!

Best wishes, Irene Campbell 

irene-campbellIt is always great to hear from NEDworks members, especially when they have been successful in obtaining a Non-Executive Director or Trustee role, so I asked irene if she would share her experience and this is what she wrote:

I have been a Governor or Trustee of one organisation or another for 20 years – but it was mostly by default rather than a great effort.

Consciously applying for NEDs/Trusteeships was markedly different. It was like applying for a regular job, but then again it wasn’t– so the CV had to have an approach slanted towards a different set of skills and experiences.

The best advice I was given, was by a serial NED. She told me to apply whenever I saw something interesting, whether I felt I had all the qualities or not.  When I thought I would be a perfect match, I wouldn’t get an interview. Where I felt I didn’t match the JD 100%, I’d be called in. It’s because you never know what exactly the organization is looking for beyond the list on the JD, what that extra ingredient is that make you more interesting than the previous CV.

So, whilst I made sure I covered every single essential and desirable criterion (with examples in the CV to match my statements) in my statement of why I wanted the post, I also threw in some wider skills. An example is my CV for a National orchestra Trusteeship. I got an interview because they saw I had substantial knowledge of how music teaching in schools worked – that hadn’t been asked for explicitly and I added it to my CV to make my knowledge of the field more rounded.

Having a public service background, I have been trained in preparing in huge detail for the interview. I scoured their website, read their Annual Reports and any other documents I could get my hands on, talked to people about the organisation and absorbed their comments. And tried to learn a few obscure facts. Whilst I wasn’t really expected to know the detail, on one occasion I WAS asked how many volunteers they had – and they expected me to know the answer

Usually there is a second interview and if you are offered one, then your credentials have been verified and you are a match. Now it’s more about whether you will fit into the team. I learnt that I no longer had to sell myself as was expected in my first interview.  This was now about whether I would gel with the other Board members – did I have the qualities that make me a team player? So I changed my behavior and attitude accordingly. But if someone doesn’t take to you, or you don’t bond with your peers, the chances are you won’t be asked to join.

I chose in the end to apply for very few posts. I really wanted to only go for the NEDs/Trusteeships that I felt I would enjoy and be able to contribute to fully. I chose 4 in 1½ years. It was a long wait, but I got it right in the last 2 applications and I am now on 2 parallel but differing roads, with 2 trusteeships that link well together and will not only use my skills and experience, but will offer me opportunities for learning and growth.

Irene Campbell

September 2016


Irene Campbell is a Trustee Director with Citizen's Advice and Cats protection Trusts

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/irene-campbell-a98b6a3 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ireneukey




If you would like to share your Non-Executive Director, Trustee or Governor experience please contact Debbie Wright (debbie.wright@nedworks.net)

May 142015

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?fit=287%2C300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?fit=500%2C523&ssl=1" data-lazy-srcset="https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=96%2C96&ssl=1 96w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=24%2C24&ssl=1 24w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=36%2C36&ssl=1 36w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=48%2C48&ssl=1 48w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?resize=64%2C64&ssl=1 64w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?zoom=2&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/David-Hodgkinson-thumbnail.jpg?zoom=3&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 450w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" srcset=""/>

Watch The Non Exec Hub video interview with David Hodgkinson, Head of Digital & Mobile, Customer & Growth Practice with KPMG.

David-Hodgkinson-thumbnailIn the interview David talks to Heather White about becoming a Non Executive Director of Rivers Coaching and how this benefits both them and his career.

As David’s interview is comprehensive we have divided it up into 5 shorter interviews so you can go directly to the subjects you are most interested in.

Watch the videos here

Sep 112013

" data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Claire-House-Children’s-Hospice.jpg?fit=300%2C250&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Claire-House-Children’s-Hospice.jpg?fit=695%2C580&ssl=1" data-lazy-srcset="https://i1.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Claire-House-Children’s-Hospice.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i1.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Claire-House-Children’s-Hospice.jpg?zoom=2&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/nedworks.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Claire-House-Children’s-Hospice.jpg?zoom=3&resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 450w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" srcset=""/>

Claire House Children’s Hospice are looking for a Healthcare Trustee

trusteeClaire House Children’s Hospice is at an exciting point in its development. It is looking for a new Trustee to join its professional and forward-thinking board who will help to drive the organisation forwards, striving to achieve its vision to be there for every child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, and their families, making sure they can get the very best support when and where they need it.

In 2013-14 Claire House is undertaking a review of its services which will shape the direction of the charity for the future. The organisation is therefore looking to recruit a Trustee with experience of healthcare provision and /or the healthcare economy to help to inform and guide the charity’s future strategy.

The role
Whilst we are a looking for this person to be a Trustee first and foremost, with the ability to operate at a strategic level, they will also bring with them experiences and /or knowledge of providing healthcare for children and young people, preferably including knowledge of children’s palliative care.
They will also have knowledge of the changing healthcare environment and be able to grasp the important strategic issues and challenges which children’s hospices face in providing effective holistic palliative care.
The role will work closely with the Director of Clinical Services, who has responsibility for informing the Board of its strategic options in relation to care related issues at Claire House.

The Time Commitment
Claire House requires its Trustees to represent the organisation at 4 Trustee meetings a year. In the case of this role, it is requested that they are also involved in the off-board Clinical Governance Committee, which again takes place 4 times a year. In addition to this there are ‘away days’ once every 6 months which the Trustees set aside to discuss long term strategic issues outside of the board room.

Wherever possible, these meetings are organised outside of the normal working day to allow Trustees to manage their other priorities effectively.
Individuals interested in these roles should contact David Pastor (CEO) 0151.334.4626 or Jan Sutherland Oakes (Director of Clinical Services) 0151.343.0883 for an informal conversation about the roles in the first instance. The closing date for applications is Monday 30th September 2013, with informal interviews with the Chair and Vice-Chair taking place on the afternoon of Wednesday 30th October.

To apply please click on the "Apply Now" link below. 

Claire House Children’s Hospice

Jul 102013

A round-up of recent Non-Executive Director appointments

Two new non-executive directors have been appointed at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Stepping Hill Hospital and community health services in Stockport, Tameside and Glossop.

Dr Mike Cheshire and John Schultz CBE bring a wealth of clinical and local government experience to the organisation which is looking to strengthen its board of directors.

John Schultz CBE was chief executive of Stockport Council for 16 years until his retirement three years ago. Under his leadership, the council reached the Audit Commission’s top performance category. John was instrumental in setting up the Greater Manchester Health Commission, and jointly chaired the Greater Manchester Public Health Network. He is currently the independent chair of an NHS board overseeing the development of integrated care in Trafford. John also assists with the governance of a number of educational establishments and charities, as well as carrying out management consultancy work. He was recognised for services to local government and appointed CBE in 2010.

Dr Mike Cheshire is a hugely experienced clinician, having worked as a consultant physician, specialising in geriatric and general medicine for many years, including nearly three decades at Central Manchester Hospitals Foundation Trust. He was Clinical Vice President at the Royal College of Physicians, London from 2007 to 2010. Dr Cheshire has also held a number of other important management and regional responsibilities, including Director of Post Graduate Education (1997-2001). From 2009 until recently, Dr Cheshire was the Medical Director for NHS North West.

One of the appointments is to replace Gillian Easson after she became the Trust’s new chairman several months ago. The second appointment is an additional post to extend the board’s capacity and expertise, following the expansion of the organisation.

Stockport Foundation Trust sees over 750,000 patients a year, through its main hospital at Stepping Hill, specialist care units, 41 health centres and in people’s homes. It employs almost 6,000 staff, making it the second largest employer in Stockport after the council.

Dr Mike Cheshire said “I am looking forward to working with all the staff including my colleagues on the Board during this time of rapid change and challenge in the NHS. I hope that my clinical and managerial experience coupled with my personal enthusiasm and interest in high quality patient centred care will enable me to make a real contribution to the continuing improvement in the quality of our services.”

John Schultz said, “I am delighted to have been appointed a Director of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, and am looking forward to continuing to use my skills and experience to the benefit of the local community. Stepping Hill Hospital, and the other local health services, which are very important indeed to my family and me.”

Trust Chairman Gillian Easson said, “I am delighted to welcome two new non-executives with such experience, knowledge and skills. Mike and John will clearly strengthen our board of directors to ensure our Trust is best placed to respond to future opportunities and challenges. I look forward to working with them to further improve services for our patients.”

The appointments were approved by the Trust’s Council of Governors following formal panel interviews and focus groups involving governors, board members, senior clinicians and managers. Both non-executive directors will officially begin their roles in September 2013.

The appointment of a new Non-Executive Director of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) has been announced.

Murray MacDonald brings experience from both the public and private sector.

He is described as an experienced Non-Executive Director, with posts also held with Lincolnshire Community Voluntary Service and Speedwell Homes.

Currently, Mr MacDonald is Chief Executive of Boston Mayflower Housing Association, where he is responsible for all operational aspects of the company.

Dr Donald White, Chairman of LCHS, said: “I am pleased to welcome Murray to the organisation and I speak on behalf of the other Board members when I say that I am looking forward to working with him.

“Murray’s experience and knowledge will be an asset to our organisation as we continue to work towards achieving Foundation Trust status.”

Mr MacDonald has been appointed from June 6, 2013, until June 5, 2017, and is entitled to receive a remuneration of £6,157 per annum.

Two new non executives appointed to NHS Borders Board

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing today announced the appointment of two new Members to NHS Borders Board.

Mrs Karen Hamilton has 25 years of experience in Adult Care and Social Work, beginning as a Home Carer, then Co-ordinator, followed by a Diploma in Social Work Training from Robert Gordon’s University in Aberdeen. Since then she has had a varied career progressing to Senior Management positions with both Moray and Highland Councils culminating in Head of Service for Care at Home Development with Highland. Karen has also achieved Post Graduate Certificates in Leadership and Social Work Practice Teaching. Since ‘retiring’ Karen has been actively involved in Community Council matters and a member of NHS Moray and Borders Patient/Public Forums. Karen’s career has given her particular insight into the sometimes fragile links between being cared for at home and in hospital, the structures in place and the tensions that can limit seamless care.

Dr Stephen Mather qualified as a doctor in 1977 from Dundee University and, after full registration with the GMC, he spent time as a General Practitioner in Norfolk. He then retrained in anaesthesia and was a consultant in anaesthesia and pain management at Warwick Hospital. For ten years, he was a Justice of the Peace in Warwickshire and also served as Assistant Deputy Coroner for Warwickshire. In later years, he was the Medical Director of Warwick Hospital and was part of the team which led the Trust to a successful application for Foundation status. Having held a number of managerial posts whilst a consultant, included BMA local negotiating committee chairman, he has experience of service redesign, change management and an Executive Board role as well as negotiation skills to bring to the post.

John Raine, Chairman of NHS Borders commented: “I am delighted to be able to welcome both Karen Hamilton and Dr Stephen Mather to NHS Borders as Non Executive members. They will bring with them a wealth of valuable and relevant experience to the work of the Board.”

The appointments will be for four years. The appointment for Karen Hamilton and will run from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2017. The appointment for Stephen Mather and will run from 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2017.

New non-executive Director appointed to Board of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust - 01 July 2013

Dr Andreas Raffel brings over 25 years’ board level experience in the finance industry, most recently in his current role as executive vice chairman at Rothschild. Over this period, he gained extensive experience of a number of different industries as well as the public and not-for-profit sectors.

Dr Raffel has also held a number of senior non-executive positions, acting as a member of council at Cranfield University since 2009 and its deputy chair since 2012. He has already developed an excellent understanding of the issues and challenges facing Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, having been an external member of the Trust’s finance and investment committee since 2012. In his new role as non-executive director of the Trust he will be a full member of both the finance and investment committee and of the audit and risk committee.

Dr Andreas Raffel, newly appointed non-executive director at Imperial College Healthcare NHS trust, said: “I am delighted to be joining the board of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust as a non-executive director at such a key moment in the Trust’s development. I have already seen some of the excellent clinical care that the Trust provides for its patients, translating the latest medical research breakthroughs quickly into patient care. I hope to play an important role in helping the organisation to continue embedding the best possible governance and financial sustainability, so that the Trust can achieve its full potential.

Sir Richard Sykes, chairman of Imperial College Healthcare NHS trust, said: “I am delighted to welcome Dr Andreas Raffel to the Trust board. Andreas brings a wealth of skills and experience that will prove invaluable as we continue our journey to Foundation Trust status and beyond, so that we can keep ensuring that patients at all our hospitals benefit from the best possible quality of care and treatment.”

“In particular, Dr Raffel will bring considerable financial acumen and management experience, and as such will play a key role in supporting both Sarika Patel, the chair of the Trust’s finance and investment committee, and Sir Gerald Acher, chair of the audit and risk committee.

New non-executive directors appointed at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to announce that, following a recent recruitment process, two new non-executive directors will be joining its Board from July 1 2013.

Dr Barry Henley joins as a non-executive director, a role he has previously held at Heart of Birmingham teaching PCT and the Birmingham and Solihull NHS Cluster. Barry brings a wealth of experience and expertise in private industry and the public sector to the Trust. He was chief executive of Chubb group companies in the UK, Singapore and Australia, before becoming chief executive of the faculty of engineering and computing at Birmingham City University. He was subsequently a knowledge transfer partnership advisor on dozens of innovation projects for the Technology Strategy Board. Barry is also a councillor representing the Brandwood ward on Birmingham City Council and he chairs the Council’s conservation and heritage panel, the wholly owned subsidiary Acivico, the ICT joint venture with Capita and the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.

Barry will act as chair of the Trust Board’s Mental Health Act Legislation Committee and also as Vice Chair of the Audit Committee.

Waheed Saleem is joining the Trust as an associate non-executive director.

Waheed is a management consultant working in the public and voluntary sectors. He graduated from the London School of Economics, is a fellow of the RSA and a member of the Association of Corporate Governance Practitioners.  His background includes working at director level in a number of strategic roles in the NHS, most recently as a PCT locality commissioning director in Birmingham.

In addition to this NHS experience, he also holds chair and non-executive director positions at a number of major national and regional public and voluntary organisations. Waheed has led significant regeneration programmes, advised the Government on neighbourhood renewal policy and community development, and was instrumental in developing leadership programmes for young people and mentors in inner city schools.

These new appointments replace Jeff Herdman and Alison Lord who recently left the Trust.

Sue Davis CBE, Chair of the Trust, said: “I am delighted that Barry and Waheed will be joining our Board and bringing their extensive experience and expertise at this time of significant change in the NHS.  They will have a considerable contribution to make to achieving our strategic aims of continuously improving quality of care for service users whilst ensuring long term financial sustainability for the Trust.”

John Short, Chief Executive, said: “The Trust has an ambitious strategy and vision which involves achieving sustained improvement in services in the context of increased demand and a difficult financial environment. Our new non-executives will play a key role in helping to deliver this and their background at director level in the NHS, private and voluntary sectors will be invaluable to the Trust.”

If you would like to find out more about what it takes to become a Non-Executive Director there are regular 1-day courses in Bristol and Oxford – click here for more details

Jun 292013

The region’s ambulance service is ‘drawing a line in the sand’ following the resignation of all remaining Non Executive Directors. 

By Katie Mansfield The Enquirer

The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust has received resignations from Margaret Stockham, Paul Remington, Anne Osborn, and Phil Barlow with immediate effect.

The Non Executive Directors have taken these actions in the best interests of patients and the Trust and didn’t want the issue of their roles to side-track the Trust from having an unrelenting focus on patients, the care they’re given, and the service they receive.

Dr Geoff Harris, new Chair of the Trust, said: “This is a line in the sand for the Trust and I thank the Non-Executive Directors for their collective action. We must maintain our focus on continuing to drive up the service to patients whilst I focus on putting a new Board in place.”

He continued: “In my short time in post I have been very impressed with the staff and volunteers I have met in the Trust - our staff do a fantastic job every day.  My job is to ensure we now move forward, appoint new Non Executive Directors and deliver the best possible service to patients.”

The Trust will be securing some interim non executive support to ensure the Board can continue to operate. In the meantime the recruitment process for new Board members has started and two of these posts are already being advertised.

Dr Harris added: “At the Trust’s Board meeting this week, we heard of some encouraging early signs of improvements including better response times and reduced sickness absence rates.  However, turning round the organisation will take time and we need to deliver further and sustained service improvements to make this a high performing ambulance Trust.”

MP for Chelmsford Simon burns, welcomed the announcement. He said: “I think it is the right decision for the remaining Non Executive Directors to resign their positions on the Trust.

“The level of failings at the Ambulance Trust over too long a period of time demonstrates the need for a clear out of the Non Executive Directors so that the new management at the Trust can recruit a new set of Non Executive Directors who are untainted by the problem and can work together to build on the improvements already being developed so that the Trust is fit for purpose and can provide the standard of service which my constituents would expect from an Ambulance Service.

“The Trust must keep an unrelenting focus on delivering further and sustained improvements especially establishing far better response times.

“The least the people of Chelmsford and the East of England can expect is a high performing NHS Service.”

May 242013

Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has appointed Dr Maureen Baker CBE as a non-executive director

Dr Maureen Baker CBE has been appointed as a non-executive director to the board of Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Baker, who is the clinical director for patient safety at Health and Social Care Information Centre, joined the Trust this month. Her role with the Health and Social Care Information Centre involves her exploring the potential of using information technology systems to address known patient safety problems within the NHS. She also works part-time as a GP at a practice based in Lincoln and has worked in health care since 1981.
Trust chairman Rob Hughes, has welcomed Dr Baker to the Trust. He said: “Dr Baker’s appointment is great news for our Trust, as she has all the right credentials to help ensure we continue to maintain and improve our patient safety priorities. I am very pleased to welcome her to the Trust board of directors. We all look forward to working with her.”
Dr Baker has already identified some of the areas she will focus upon as part of her role. She said: “I would like to see our patients and visitors made more aware of the Trust’s strong focus on safety and quality priorities, so that they are clear on how well the Trust is doing from the moment they walk in to our hospitals in both Peterborough and Stamford.”
Dr Baker replaces Susan Grey who stood down from her role in January 2013 having completed two full terms as a non-executive director.

Apr 112013

NWAS appoints Ruth Roberts as non-executive director

Ruth Roberts, appointed as a North West Ambulance Service Trust, Non-Executive Director

North West Ambulance Service is pleased to announce that Ruth Roberts has been appointed as a Trust, Non-Executive Director.

Ruth has over 33 years’ experience working with the NHS, across a number of organisations in both clinical and managerial roles, and from which she has gained significant experience at management and Board level. In 1978 Ruth started her career in the NHS as a student nurse at Bolton District General Hospital; from there she progressed through various roles in both Hospital and Community settings.

In her spare time, Ruth is passionate about photography, and she is particularly looking forward to taking pictures of her first grandchild, due to be born next month.

On being appointed as a Non-Executive Director, Ruth commented: “This is an interesting and challenging role and I am thrilled to be working with the North West Ambulance Service. It is evident that the Trust is very committed to the delivery of high quality care and supports the development of its staff at all levels and I look forward to working with the Board of Directors, Shadow Council of Governors and staff across the Trust to support the organisation as it goes from strength to strength.”

Ruth added: “This is a very exciting time for the Trust as it looks forward to becoming a Foundation Trust with the opportunities this provides to further develop services and I am delighted to have been appointed to this role”.

Mary Whyham, Trust Chairman commented: “We’re really looking forward to working with Ruth. She brings a great deal of NHS experience with her and I am sure she will be a great asset to the Trust.”

Ruth’s four year post commenced on 26 March 2013. Ruth’s role will see her constructively challenge the decisions of the Board and help develop the Trust’s future strategy. As Chair of the Quality Committee, she will ensure the Trust continues to deliver the best possible standards of care.

As with all non-executive directors of NHS trusts, Ruth is entitled to remuneration of £6,096 per annum.

The appointment has been confirmed by the NHS Trust Development Authority. Non-executive appointments to NHS Trusts made by the NHS Trust Development Authority are subject to the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Apr 112013

Alan Wilson new Associate Non-Executive Director at Wirral Community NHS Trust

Chartered Banker Alan Wilson has joined Wirral Community NHS Trust as Interim Associate Non-Executive Director for six months.

Alan began his banking career in Scotland before moving to South Wales in the late 1980s and then to North West England where he was Regional Director for Bank of Scotland.  Married to Ruth, he has two grown up children, Craig and Nicola.

Since leaving the banking industry in 2005, Alan has worked in the accountancy sector firstly with The Steve Stuart Partnership then with Baker Tilly.  He has also been a Non-Executive Director for the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he chaired the Audit Committee between 2006 and 2011.

Trust Chairman, Frances Street, said “We are delighted to welcome Alan on to the Board of our Trust. He brings with him a wealth of experience which will help to develop the Trust and will be an asset to the Board as we move towards Foundation Trust status.”

Alan has been appointed for a six month fixed term.  All non-executive appointments are made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice.

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