NEDworks CV Review
The NEDworks CV Review helps you to optimise your CV for NED vacancy Applications
As we tend to live longer and healthier lives, many people are looking for a mid-life career change to build on their corporate experience and branch out into a portfolio career which may include one or more Non-Executive Director, Trustee or Governance roles.
Today’s boards face an increasingly complex set of challenges and consequently look beyond the traditional sources for new board members, focusing on improving diversity and inclusion in the boardroom s to access the widest range of skills and guidance to help their executives to drive the business forward.
Your NED CV needs to be able to convince board Chairs and recruiters, that you have the skills and experience that they are looking for as well as being a good fit with the existing board member team.
Whether you are an aspiring, novice or experienced board member, with or without previous Non-Executive Director or Chair experience, your NED CV needs to highlight the value you can bring to a board and demonstrate your understanding of the NED role and how boards work.
A NED CV differs from an executive CV in context, purpose, audience and outcome. It needs to be focused, strategic and provide evidence that you have the requisite skillset to make an effective contribution to the board.
The first stage in starting or expanding a portfolio career is to review your CV, either to convert your executive CV or to polish up your existing NED CV, especially if it has been some time since you last made an application for a NED role.
After reading the advice on how to structure your NED CV and updating it accordingly, if necessary, you can send it to us for a thorough and comprehensive review of the content and structure, tailored to your personal background and experience.
The NEDworks NED CV review also includes suggestions on improvements you can make to enable you to convince a board Chair or recruiter to add you to the longlist for interview.
Your CV review will be undertaken by our Chief Executive, David Doughty, a Chartered Director and course leader for the highly recommended How to become a Non-Executive Director course, who has significant experience as a Non-Executive Director and Chair and has led recruitment processes for Non-Executive Directors on private, public and voluntary sector boards.
Submit your CV for review now
Please use the form below to submit your CV for review - if you are a NEDworks Tier1 Member there is no additional charge for your review, otherwise the CV review fee is £20.00 (ex VAT)
You are not currently a member of NEDworks - you can join today here
NED CV Review
Form for submitting a NED CV for review

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